Page 44 of Nanny and the Beast

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“Oh, Charlotte. I’m so sorry.”

“I envy you,” she said with a bitter smile. “At least yours is fucking your brains out.”

“There’s not much beyond that to envy. If I fall for him, I’m screwed.”

“What if he falls in love with you too?” she asked.

I stopped. The thought had never even crossed my mind. Not even in my dreams did I ever imagine that possibility.

Her lips slowly stretched into a thin smile. “You didn’t think of that one did you?”

“Impossible,” I muttered under my breath.

“Okay,” she said and pushed the cart ahead of me.

I hurried after her. “No, I’m serious Charlotte. He’s a super successful billionaire. He could have anyone he wants. He would never do that. Haven’t you met him? Men like that are hard and cold.” I paused. “They’re beyond salvation.”

She stopped and turned, eyes widened with concern. “So he’s dead to you?”

I was confused. “What do you mean?”

She eyed me with amusement as she grabbed a bag of potatoes and continued on her way.

The mockery eventually registered. “He’s too dangerous, Charlotte.”

“Okay, then get out of his house.”

“I’ve tried, remember?”

She stopped. “So now you’re his hostage? Do you want me to call the police?”

“This isn’t funny Charlotte.”

She gave me an apologetic smile. “I know, I’m sorry, but it’s high time you let down your walls. You’ve had them forever. I still don’t even know how I was able to find a crack in.”

“I made the crack for you,” I said and threw my arm around her.

She tried to displace it, but eventually just gave up and hugged me back. “Then make one also for him,” she whispered in my ear.

“No,” I said instantly, pulling back. “He’s not asking for one, and I do not need any heartbreaks in my repertoire.”

“Come on. What do you have to lose?”

What did I have to lose? “My sanity.”

“It would be great if you lost that for once. You overthink every goddamn thing. It even took you almost a month to decide to live with me, my God.”

I shifted. “Well, it was a big decision. I was afraid I could be ruining a good thing.”

“And all your fears were unfounded.”

I sighed. “My life is already complicated enough. I don’t need to turn an affair with my boss into a horrible heartbreak.”

“I don’t even understand why the fact that he probably owns half of London is not a matter for consideration,” she said beneath her breath.

I heard her, but wanted her to repeat it. “What was that?”

Her voice went up a couple of notches. “Nothing.”

“Gold digger,’” I spat.

“Self-righteous idiot,” she threw back.

I tugged at her hair. “Enough about Yuri. You said you had an unexpected expense? What is it?”

She was silent for a while and then she said quietly. “My mother needed some money.”

“Oh, Charlotte.”

“It’s okay. She’s all right now. Sometimes, it’s hard for her to manage on her measly pension, you know. If something breaks down, it’s the end of the world.”

“Listen, do you need some money?”

“Nah, I’ve already got another job.” She crinkled her nose. “It’s out in Wales though.”

“Wales!” I wailed.

“It’s only three hours by train.” She grinned.


“I’ll be taking care of a little boy. I spoke to his mother and I really hope I’m not exchanging one bitch for another, but I’ve got to give it a shot. I’m desperate.”

“Why can’t I give you some to tide you over first?”

“No, April. I can do this on my own. I can’t pull out the despair card yet. I’ll be proud of myself if I get through this on my own.”

“You’re crazy, you know.”

“I know,” she said. “Will you come visit me in Wales? I think I’m going to be living in some kind of castle.”

“Oh, you know, I’m scared of ghosts.”

She sucked in her breath. “You just said that to put me off, didn’t you?”

I began to laugh and she joined me too.

“If you played your cards right you could have your billionaire buy you a castle without ghos—”

“Stop freaking going there.”

She put her hands up in defeat. “I get it. You can’t stand to owe anyone and all that. Understood. But you do owe me for sticking by your side all these years, so get me Domino’s tonight.”

“You were the one who refused to leave me the hell alone. Why do you want pizza? What of all this food?”

“Are you going to cook? I’m freaking exhausted.”

“Fine,” I said.

“Order it now, so it gets home as soon as we arrive.”

“Yes ma’am.” I pulled my phone out of my pocket. However, just as I began to search for the number, a call from Margot came in.


“Margot,” I answered, instantly concerned. “Is everything all right?”

“Everything’s fine, but Mr. Volkov just sent an order. He’ll be returning from Venice today, and wants you to accompany him to an event.”

For the first few seconds, I couldn’t think. “An event?”
