Page 55 of Nanny and the Beast

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“My grandfather bought it when my father was just a little boy and made renovations to the entire place. It dates back to the 16th century, I believe.”

“Wow,” I said my eyes studying the innate portraits on the wall. “I know so little about the architecture of that century. There’s so much to learn from here.”

“Well, there’s nothing at all to learn tonight. We need to take a shower.”

I cocked my eyebrow as he moved closer. “We?”

“We,” he repeated.

I couldn’t stop the flush of pleasure that spread up my face. Playfully, I tried to roll off the bed so I would land on the other side, but he was too fast. He grabbed my leg and pulled me back to the edge. I burst into a laughter that was belly deep. He threw me over his shoulders and headed off into the bathroom. It was elegant, my eyes rounded at the standalone gold tub in the center of the room. Yup, no denying it, Russians sure liked their glitz.

He led me to the shower and began to tear at my clothes.

“Are we going to be just showering?” I asked cheekily.

“Of course not,” he hissed, as he took my nipple in his mouth. “We have a week. The only time my cock is not going to be in your pussy is when you’re asleep and even then there is the strong possibility I could try.”

I couldn’t stop my laughter. “I’m not going to be getting much sleep am I?”

“You can sleep when our week is over,” he said as he brushed my hair gently out of my face. He was smiling, but his eyes looked desolate.

Please don’t look at me that way I pleaded with him in my mind. Otherwise, this week would become the most tragic of my life. “I take it then that you won’t be staying in your room much,” I said as lightly as I could.

“This is our room,” he said.

My eyes widened in shock. Before I could give any sort of protest, he slipped his tongue into my mouth, and I melted completely into his arms.

Chapter 40


We made mad passionate love twice more during the night. I didn’t want Yulia to find me in bed with her uncle, so I planned on waking up at nearly six in order to get into her bedroom by seven and explain to her.

I was afraid she might think it was a betrayal if I didn’t explain the situation properly.

I opened my eyes and found his head was on my chest, cushioned against my breasts. He had his arm around my waist, almost locking me in place. I experienced a deep feeling of wonder fill my being, as I watched the gentle rise and fall of his chest. Asleep, he was glorious. Muscles rose and dipped down his back and at the base was the view of his round firm ass partially covered by the duvet tangled around his legs.

Time passed. I didn’t want to break the connection. I stroked his hair, gently and kissed the top of his head as I sighed. I just didn’t want to break the moment, until I remembered Yulia. I jumped then, and it startled him awake.

“I’m so sorry,” I apologized, my heart fluttering madly as his blue eyes fixed on mine.

He stretched and my mouth hung open at the ripple of muscles. I began to pull myself away but he held me down.

Now, I was underneath his arms. “I need to go to Yulia. I don’t want her to find out about us by seeing us in bed together.”

“Don’t worry your pretty little head. That’s all be taken care of. Yulia has gone horseback riding with Alex. She left at six. You thought I’d let her interrupt me while I’m fucking you?”

“I should be so lucky.” Vaguely irritated at the high-handed way he’d taken control, I began to push at him, but he wouldn’t let me leave.

Instead, he poked his tongue into my navel and somehow it all became amusing. I collapsed into hysterical laughter. He joined me, his rich voice rolling across the room.

“Yuri,” I murmured.


“I really just wanted to breathe, I’m not running away.”

He leaned down to plant the softest of kisses on my forehead. Slowly, he traced kisses down my cheeks and to my jaw.

I was fast losing my train of thought, especially when I felt his cock harden against my thigh. “What are our plans for the day?”

“Very simple. I’m fucking you till ten. Then you have a two hours break. After which I want you to come to my study to be sucked off. You have another hour break then we have a picnic planned this afternoon in the vineyard.”

“You have a vineyard?” I asked.

His mouth covered my nipple. “Mmm…80 hectares.”

“Fuck,” I said.

He came up chuckling. “Were you making a request, or expressing a comment about the size of my vineyard?”
