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“Neither of you are in charge. This is my warehouse, my woman, my operation.” I raised my brows, just waiting for one of them to say something but they didn’t.

Something that they both did agree on, was going in the vans. I refused.

Me and my team would be going together.

We all piled up into two trucks and led the way to the location while Evan sat in the back trying to hack into all the security systems.

The twenty-minute drive there made me seethe in anger. She’d been this close all along and I hadn’t found her. Gripping the steering wheel, I took deep breaths, trying to keep my cool. Now wasn’t the time to lose it, now was the time to stay calm.

Pulling a little way back from the building, I could feel her closeness. I relished in the feeling, having not felt it in so long.

The vans pulled up on either side of me and they all jumped out in formation. We opened our doors and led the way to the wall of the building, I signaled Charlie and opened the door, letting him go in first and following closely behind.

Scanning the open space, I couldn’t see anything but a door off to the left. Tilting my head towards the door, I moved forward with Corey at my back while the rest filed in behind me and went to check out another part of the warehouse.

We both stood at either side of the door, signaling for him to pull it open, we both filed inside, guns raised.

There was nothing but empty space with another door off to the right. Tilting my head to the door, we repeated our maneuver again.

“Well hey there, husband,” Serena sang, her voice sending goose bumps over my skin, and not in a good way either. I had a feeling that I’d come face to face with her at some point today.

“Where is she?” I gritted out, stepping forward, knowing that I had my guys at my back. It didn’t seem to bother her in the slightest that she was cornered. In fact, she seemed to relish in it.

“Where’s who?” She smirked, leaning back on the desk that she was perched on.

I stepped forward, stopping a couple of paces in front of her, not trusting myself to be any closer to her.

“Kay. Where is she?” I scanned what was around me in my peripheral vision, not daring to take my focus off her fully.

She huffed and walked out of the door that we had just come from, her steps quick. Following her back into the main building, I stood and waited.

“You know I never wanted any of this,” she said, turning back to face me. “I just want you back,” she whined.

“Yeah?” I chuckled, leaning down into her face. “You never wanted our baby either did you? Didn’t take you long to solve that problem either, did it?”

Her face paled as I pulled away. I hated her for what she had done, what she had taken from me. She took away the opportunity for me to be a dad, she took away my choices. Everyone always raved on about women’s choices, which I fully believed in, but that baby was half of me and I didn’t have any say in the matter.

“That baby was never meant to happen,” she said, holding her hand up in the air and moving a step forward.

“Bitch, you take a one step closer to him and see what happens.” I swung my head to the voice, a voice that hit me straight in the gut.

My eyes scanned her barely clothed body, the bruises and dried blood scattered all over her. I tampered down my rage for now, knowing I’d do some real damage if I didn’t.

“What-” Serena gasped.

“I’ll shoot your face off if you move,” she growled. “You sadistic fuck.”

“Kay?” Another voice said from behind her. “Ava’s still back there.”


“Who’s here?” Kay asked me. For a second I was speechless, she still hadn’t taken her eyes off Serena. “Ty! Who’s here? Get her in cuffs!”

Luke stepped forward, taking his cuffs out as I went to Kay.

“Sweetheart, you can put the gun down now.” I held my hand out for it but she shook her head and walked backwards, the way she had just come.

“I’m going to get Ava!” she shouted when I tried to stop her.
