Page 112 of The Blood Debt

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“But why me?” I mutter. “You could have any other girl you wanted.”

“I’ve already had plenty, believe me …” he replies, and it feels like a slap in the face for some reason. “But all of them tasted like bland meat. They couldn’t satisfy me …” His hand reaches for my hair, tucking a lone strand behind my ear. “Not like you could.”

And he leans up on the chair, hands clutching the armrests, back stretched, lips pursed to meet mine. And I can’t help but lean in too, waiting until he finally takes what he’s wanted to take for so long. Even if it’s wrong, even if I shouldn’t want any of this.

His lips are intoxicating, too hard to resist, and I just want to feel free to…



Spin out of control and let it all. Fucking. Out.

But he suddenly leans away again, and the moment passes.

And I’m left with a hunger I can’t satiate.

He walks away, still carrying that boner like a medal, and I can’t fucking look away.

Damn him for doing this to me. And damn him for making me want him so much I can’t even fucking breathe anymore.

“You have no right,” I say.

He pauses. “No right to what?”

“To leave me hanging like this,” I mutter. “To leave me with this … this need.”

He groans. Out loud.

Like it physically hurts him to hear me say this.

And I can tell from the way his cock bobs up and down he’s been holding back something that’s about to be unleashed.

But I can’t stop myself anymore.

I don’t want to stop whatever’s about to happen.

Even though I’m terrified.

“To make me feel this way,” I add.

He glances over his shoulder. “Like what?”

“Like you could’ve taken my virginity long ago.” It’s out before I realize it.

He licks his lips again, but his tongue lingers, almost as if he’s contemplating what to do. His head tilts, his shoulders broadening as his muscles begin to twitch. “Don’t do this now, Jas. You don’t know what you’re unleashing here.”

“Show me,” I reply without a second thought.

Because I need to know.

I need to know how bad this can get.

If I can even do this.

If I can stay.

