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Chapter Seventeen


Thenextmorning,Griffin joined us for breakfast on the balcony. He seemed surprised when he found us all in our pajamas, even Jones. Sir Fluffy Butt and Wiggles were even wearing the pajamas that Caroline had insisted they needed. I would’ve protested, but the dogs seemed to love them. I was in a onesie that Granny Lane had gotten me, and I was only slightly embarrassed that it made me look like an actual cow.

“I didn’t get the PJ memo.” Dropping into the chair next to me, Griffin stretched his legs out in front of him and looked out at the ocean. “Beautiful out here.”

I smiled and nodded. “It is. It’s a better start to the day.”

He bumped his knee into mine and left it touching me. “I think you’re onto something here.”

Heartbeat speeding up, I told myself to relax. There was nothing going on with Griffin, so I didn’t need to read into the brush of a knee.

The kids were focused on eating their breakfast and reading the books I’d let them bring out, so they were quiet. The morning sun was just starting to warm everything up, but there was still a chill in the air. It was a beautiful morning that I could curl up in and stay for a while.

“A hammock. That’s the only thing missing.” I stretched and then grabbed a piece of bacon and crunched into it. “Then, I’d probably be tempted to sleep all day, and you’d be forced to fire me.”

“That would be unfortunate.” Griffin reached over and took the rest of my bacon. Popping it into his mouth, he raised a challenging eyebrow at me and smiled. “I thought we could all go to the aquarium today.”

Caroline perked up. “The aquarium! Really?”

“Really. Would that be okay with you?”

I realized he was asking me and nodded. “Of course! That sounds like a lot of fun. I’ll get everyone ready after breakfast.”

Jones furrowed his brows. “Can we take Sir Fluffy Butt and Wiggles?”

I smiled, loving the way he had to lighten up when he said the names. “They have to stay here, but they need their rest, so it’s perfect. They’re not used to having three wild children to entertain them. A few hours of rest will do them good. Then, when we get back from the aquarium, we can take them for a long walk. While we’re out, we could even get them nametags for their collars.”

Slowly nodding, he still looked doubtful. He didn’t look like he was thinking of ways to get rid of me, though, so that was an improvement.

“And you’re sure we can’t change the names?”

I giggled at Griffin and shook my head. “Positive. Their names are their names.”

He grunted. “And what names they are.”

“I like their names.” Grace handed a piece of bacon to each dog and laughed when they licked her hands. “They’re fun.”

Con stepped out onto the balcony and raised his brows at us. “What’s this?”

Griffin looked back at him and nodded his head at me. “Nanny changes.”

I gently kicked him. “Great nanny changes.”

Con settled in the seat on the other side of me and leaned over to touch one of the spots on my pajamas. “Cute.”

Zeke appeared next, looking confused. “No one came to breakfast.”

I blushed at being in such a small space with the three of them, especially after what I’d done with Zeke the night before. “We moved the location of breakfast. It’s also pajamas required. The three of you are only allowed to wear your professional clothes today.”

Griffin scooted closer to me to make room for Zeke. Stretching his arm along the back of my chair, he crossed his ankle over his knee and looked more relaxed than I’d ever seen him. “We’re going to the aquarium today if either of you wants to come.”

Zeke looked at Griffin’s arm as he settled in his chair. “I have to go back to the city to settle something at Lynx.”

Con nodded. “I’ll ride in with you. I have a meeting with a client.”

Sir Fluffy Butt rested his chin on my thigh and I leaned down to give him love. Scratching his head and behind his ears, I sighed happily. I’d always wanted a dog, but Dad had been allergic. I’d always considered it his one flaw.

“Are we going to come home tonight and find that you’ve adopted a couple of big fish, Griff?” Zeke laughed. “Maybe a whale or two?”

Con cupped my face and turned me so I was facing him. “Don’t let him bring anymore animals home, for the love of everything holy.”

My breath caught in my chest as I found myself so up close and personal with the man who’d ruined me as a young woman. He’d held my face in that same way so many times before kissing me. It felt natural that he should lean in and capture my mouth. I was shocked by the way my body and mind reacted to him.

I licked my lips and looked up at him through my lashes, wondering how he’d so thoroughly broken my heart before, yet my heart still seemed fond of him. I should’ve been angry at him. Maybe I was deep down, but when he held my face, I wanted to let him make it all better.

Con held my gaze and then looked down at my mouth for a second before sighing and pulling away. “Or let him bring home more animals, I guess. I don’t know.”

I sat back in my chair and forced my eyes to stay on the open stretch of ocean in front of us. It was so beautiful and peaceful, so different from the turmoil inside of me.

Wiggles whined at my feet and looked up at me with his big eyes. Putting his paw on my knee, he huffed and impatiently looked at the door.

I rubbed his head and stood up. “It’s potty time for the boys. Why don’t you kids finish breakfast while I take these guys out and then we’ll get ready for the aquarium?”

I left to a chorus of agreement and rushed downstairs with the dogs in tow. I let them out and followed behind them, needing a bit of fresh air to clear my head. Things were getting weird with the men. I couldn’t have something with all three of them. It was weird and wrong. Yet, it definitely felt like I had something with all three of them. Did they know it? Did they see it? More so, what were they thinking about it?

I was so far in over my head that I didn’t think I even knew how deep in I was. Was it possible to drown before you even realize there’s water around you?
