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Chapter Seven


“Youreallydidn’thave to carry all this stuff down for me. I could’ve gotten it.” I looked out at the clear blue ocean and smiled. I’d splashed around in the water a bit the day before, but it was officially time to get in the water, no matter how cold it was.

Zeke scoffed. “First of all, only a shithead would let a lady carry all of this by herself. Second of all, I wanted to swim for a while.”

“So, it was pure selfishness all along.” I grinned and got towels laid out for everyone. I stood back and let Zeke set up the large umbrella, content to watch him work. “Thanks.”

He looked at me over his shoulder and winked. “Anytime.”

I watched the kids running in the sand and pulled out waters for all of them, along with their lifejackets. “Come on over! It’s time for sunscreen and your vests.”

Grace and Caroline raced over, but Jones just scowled at me and stood still, watching with his arms crossed over his chest. I decided not to fight with him and instead focused on the girls. Sunscreen applied, jackets buckled, they were finally ready to get into the water.

They wasted no time, running and screaming into the cold water, hands locked together. Jones watched them and then slowly walked over to me. His face was one of disgust as he looked at me. “I don’t need a lifejacket. I can swim.”

“Sorry, bud. If you’re getting into that water with me, you’re in a lifejacket.”

“Well, then go away. I don’t need you.”

Zeke straightened. “Jones. You weren’t raised to talk to people like that.”

“Fine! Give me the stupid jacket.”

I shook my head. “You need sunscreen first.”

“And a new attitude.” Zeke shook his head. “Your dad wouldn’t like knowing you’re talking to Autumn like this.”

“He doesn’t care. She’s just the nanny.”

“Let’s just get you protected and out in the water, huh?” I handed Zeke the tube of lotion and turned to face the girls, choosing to ignore Jones’ tantrum.

When Jones was out in the water with the girls, Zeke growled under his breath and stood next to me. “I’m sorry about that. I don’t know why he’s being such a shit.”

I looked up at him and smiled. “I mean, isn’t it the cliché?”

Zeke raised an eyebrow. “Poor little rich boy?”

I shrugged and stepped away from him so I could pull my swimsuit cover off. Tossing it onto one of the blankets, I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and looked over to find Zeke’s eyes raking over my body. “Joining us?”

He ripped his shirt off and moved after me. “Fuck, yeah.”

Feeling like I was being chased, I raced into the water and let out a scream as it slapped against my skin, ice cold. “How are you three not little kid popsicles?”

Zeke wrapped his arms around my waist and laughed. “You know the best way to get through the cold, right?”

I glared at him, doing everything I could to ignore the warmth of his strong arms around me. “Don’t you dare!”

“What do you think, Grace? Should I dunk her?”

Grace laughed and nodded. “Yeah!”


“Do it!”

“I’m not asking you, Jones. I already know your answer.” Zeke lifted me out of the water and grinned up at me. “The kids have spoken.”

“Zeke!” I screamed as I was tossed through the air like I weighed nothing, and then again once I came back up, out of the water. It was so cold, I felt like my nipples had curled up and died instantly. “I don’t like you!”

Zeke laughed easily and wagged his brows at me. Stroking his hand over his seemingly permanent five o’clock shadow, he turned his playful look to Caroline and Grace. “I see more pretty girls ready to be tossed into the ocean!”

I stood in chest-deep water and shivered until my body finally got used to the cold and the sun warmed me from above. I watched as Zeke played with his nieces and nephew, making them laugh. He was good with them. When I found myself wondering why he didn’t have any of his own, I forced myself to shut down those personal thoughts and get involved with their play.

By the time we were all ready for lunch, even Jones was having a hard time hating me. We ate sandwiches and drank juice on our towels while Zeke acted out a story for the kids. They were all so enamored by his larger-than-life personality.

I realized that I was, too. He was a bit like watching fire dance. It was exciting and a little nerve-wracking, not knowing what was coming next. The kids still somehow managed to slowly nod off, even Jones. Under the umbrella, stretched out next to each other, they all napped.

I stretched my towel out in the sun and grabbed the sunscreen. “They have the right idea.”

He settled next to me and grabbed the lotion. “Let me help.”

I laid flat on my stomach and rested my head on my arms. “Just don’t get any ideas.”

“What kind of ideas?”

“Any kind.”

He trailed his fingers down my spine and groaned. “Too late.”

I rolled my eyes. “Just focus on the lotion, Zeke.”

The back of my swimsuit was just a couple of strings that tied the modest front together. I felt them tug and give way under his hands. Then his hands were there, rubbing lotion into my back with strong strokes that made my toes curl. I meant to rip him a new one for untying my top, but I was afraid he’d stop rubbing me.

Zeke ran his big hands over my shoulders and down my back, loosening every tight muscle I’d ever had in my life. I thought he was finished when his hands left my body, but a second later, he was settled at my ankles, rubbing lotion into my calves. Higher and higher, he smoothed the sunscreen onto my legs, rubbing and stroking until I was a blob of a woman under him. When he got to my thighs, he acted like we’d known each other for years and were way more familiar with each other than we were. His thumbs dipped too close to my core for it to ever be considered decent, but the rest of his fingers were digging into the muscles just under my ass, melting them.

I moaned low in my throat. “Go any higher and I’ll have to kick your ass.”

“Sorry. Forgot where I was for a second.” His voice was husky, his hands frozen just under my ass. “Although, it might be worth the ass-kicking.”

I grinned, unable to not feel flattered. “Tie my top back, handsy.”

He did as I asked and then sank into the sand beside me. “Actually, I’m going to go for a swim. I’ll be back.”

I waved him away, not caring. He’d just massaged me into a stupor. I was pretty sure a bomb could detonate next to me and I wouldn’t care. At some point, I nodded off, just to be jolted awake by Grace climbing onto my back.

“Autumn, I need to go pee.”

I blinked away the last of my sleep and sat up, easily rolling Grace off. “Okay. Let’s go pee.”

“Uncle Zee is playing with Caroline and Jones. He said to let you sleep, but I need the potty and he just said to go in the ocean. That’s gross.”

I laughed and looked out to find Zeke chasing after Jones with Caroline on his shoulders. He grinned when he saw me watching him and then went right back to uncle time. “You’re right. Peeing in the ocean is for the fish. We’ll find a real bathroom.”

We both went to the bathroom, and when we got back to the beach, we found Zeke, Caroline, and Jones building a sandcastle. Grace rushed over to help, and Zeke broke away to come sit with me.

“Thank you for watching them while I napped. Pretty sure that’s not how it’s supposed to go, though.” I made a face. “I’m actually sure that your brother would be tempted to fire me for napping on the job. Especially while the kids are near the water. I might be the worst nanny ever.”

“Nah. The sun is just draining. I was watching the four of you.” He shrugged. “I happen to think you’re the best nanny. I’m only sad that my nanny growing up didn’t look like you. She was a tiny little woman with a big pouf of gray hair, and she always had spit gathered at the corners of her mouth.”

“Did she keep you in line?”

His devilish smile made me laugh. “No one could. I’ve always been the bad twin.”

“I don’t know if I’d see it that way.” I looked out over the water and sighed. “It’s so beautiful here. My family has always lived in the Hamptons, but we’ve never had this kind of view.”

“Which part are you from?”

“Montauk.” I noticed Caroline shove Jones and stood up. “Caroline, come here.”

“Duty calls.” Zeke stayed where he was and watched as I walked over to Caroline.

Even as I corrected Caroline, I could feel Zeke’s eyes on me. The man was after something; that much was clear. I could feel his attraction bouncing between us, and it was impossible to ignore. There was chemistry happening that felt too big and too real.

It was messed up, though. I’d been with Con. Over a decade before, but lusting after his twin brother was too weird. So, hard as it was to ignore, I was going to. Plus, I was pretty sure making eyes at one of the brothers would be frowned upon by Griffin.

I stayed calm and collected the rest of the day, letting Zeke’s longing looks rolls off my back like they weren’t happening. Or at least pretending to. Inside, I was a mess. It’d been too long for me. I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d had an orgasm not produced by myself.

I was remaining aloof, at least I thought I was. Through the rest of the day on the beach, I did my best not to see the way he looked at me. When he helped me clean up and carry everything inside, I did everything I could not to watch his muscles ripple as he moved. Even when I got the kids cleaned up and set up at the dinner table, Zeke was there, gently catching my arm and asking me to sit with them.

I declined and ate my dinner with Greta and Jeremiah, my mind stuck on Zeke and all of his strong muscles and tan skin. Greta and Jeremiah talked about their days while I tried to keep my soup in my mouth. I felt feverish. There was something in the air that told me something was coming, and I had a feeling it would be me, if I let Zeke have his way.

I had no intention of letting him. It was a bad idea. Sleeping with one of the bosses was dumb. If Griffin found out, he’d shit a brick, I was pretty sure. Hell, if Con found out, I didn’t know what he’d do. Reveal that I’d slept with two of the three brothers and call me all the names I was internally calling myself? I wasn’t that kind of help. Yet, there I was.

I didn’t see Griffin or Con when I went back in to gather the kids, though. They weren’t there to judge me into doing the right thing. All I had was the angel on my shoulder, screaming at me to keep it in my pants and ignore the sexy man making eyes at me, but even she was horny.

When I put the kids to bed and walked to my room, Zeke was still with me. Walking me to my room, he clarified when I asked what he was doing. My hands shook from anticipation. There was something happening between us that I felt helpless to stop. And when I stopped at the door, he kissed me. Just a goodnight kiss, he said. Then he lingered and kissed me again, and I knew I was a goner. The man could kiss. Just for the night, he said.
