Page 57 of Playboy Pilot

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“It’s a fuck of a lot of money at stake. I get that. But money isn’t everything, Kendall. Some day, when the panic of this deadline has passed, you’ll look back and regret giving up your beautiful baby. And believe me, that baby will be precious if it’s coming out of you. You can’t play around with human life. Not to mention, money can’t truly make you happy, either. I think your childhood is proof of that. It may not be millions, but that’s my two-cents. Pun intended.”

I just stared into his eyes, absorbing his words before asking, “What makes you happy?”

“You,” he said without hesitation. “You’re the only thing that’s made me happy in a really long time. And I don’t want to even imagine losing this feeling.”

“Thank you. I feel the same, and your opinion on everything is noted. Believe me, I heard it loud and clear.”

Carter let out a deep breath and looked down at his phone. “We’d better get out of here before he wakes up and makes me wash his ass.”

“Say what? Has that happened before?”

“He’s got a bad back…has trouble reaching behind himself. I’ll come back tomorrow and check in on him.”

“God, you’re a saint.”

“Nah. Just doing what any good son would do.” He winked.

“Earlier you said we had a busy night. Is something happening tonight?”

He looked way too amused for my comfort. “I’ll let you guess, but before you ponder it, just remember where you are.”

“Give me a hint.”

“It starts with a B.”


“Fuck. Why did you have to say that? Now, I’m gonna be scooting down the road with major wood.”

I concentrated and repeated to myself, “Where we are…where we are…I know! Barbecue!”

“Good guess, but no. I’ll give you another hint. You might get lucky tonight.”

I laughed. “Ball gag.”


“That’s it? I’m right? Ball gag?”

“No, Perky. Bingo. That’s the answer. It’s Bingo night.”

“COME IN!” I YELLED over my shoulder as I stood in front of the mirror in the guest bedroom finishing tying up my hair into a ponytail.

The door creaked open. “Come in? Fuck. You gotta stop talking dirty like that to me when we’re about to go out and be in front of a hundred senior citizens.”

I laughed, “Come in isn’t dirty. It’s your brain that’s dirty, Carter.”

He walked and stood close behind me, speaking to my reflection. “I think you should avoid using certain words tonight, like come and maybe a few others.”

“What others might that be?”

“Off the top of my head? Blow, suck, jerk, hole, ride, bend, swallow, inside, meat, nuts, slurp, taste, munch, lick, pull, yank, hot, warm, wet, nibble, throb, bang, cherry, box, eat, ache, stroke, push, pull, ram, screw, messy, plow, thrust, and fill.”

My eyebrows shot up. “All of that was off the top of your head?”

Carter looked down and groaned. “Fuck. Better add head to that list, too.”

“I think you’ve gone insane.” Finishing my hair, I turned to face him. Since he had been standing behind me in the mirror, I hadn’t noticed what he was wearing. “You’re wearing your uniform? To Bingo?”
