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I found myself sitting on an old, faded couch in the corner, a couple beside me heavily making out.


I glanced up at the guy in front of me.

“You look beerless. That’s a sad sight.” He grinned. “I can fix that.” He showed me his bottle in hand.

I shook my head. “I’m good, but thanks.”

I glanced around the room and spotted Della with a guy. She was laughing, he had his arm slung over her shoulder, and I assumed it was her crush.

“You sure you’re good in the drink department?”

“I’m going to be heading out, but thanks.” I held up a bottle of water, one I’d snagged right after I finished nursing my beer.

The guy still stood in front of me, so I focused on something else, because frankly, not having him move was awkward.

I pulled out my cell and sent Max a text. I was ready to leave, and with Della incapacitated with her boy toy, and me not wanting to bother her, Max was always my go-to.

Can you come get me? I’m at this party and ready to go.

Immediately, I saw those three gray dots telling me Max was responding.

Max: I’ll be there in ten. Stay outside so no one fucks with you.

I chuckled at that. Even through a text, he was protective.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and stood, having to brush by the guy in front of me, because he refused to move and give me space. “Excuse me,” I muttered and headed out to the front porch.

I stood outside for a good five minutes before the chill in the air finally settled in. I wrapped my jacket tighter around my body. I hadn’t even bothered taking it off the entire time I was inside, because I was pretty sure, subconsciously, I knew I wasn’t going to stay. I turned and looked in the living room window, able to see Della and her crush. He was playing with her hair as they made out pretty heavily. Maybe I should go tell her goodbye? But even the thought of intruding on that kind of situation made me uncomfortable.

When I turned to face the road again, I knew Max would be here soon, and all I could think about was him.

Ever since I’d met him that first day of school, when he’d been the only student to make me feel welcome, I think I loved him. He protected me, didn’t let anyone talk down to me or bully me. He was strong and confident, knowing what he wanted in life. I felt subpar compared to his vison of the future.

But what I knew for certain, what I wasn’t afraid of, what didn’t give me anxiety, was the fact that I was madly, deeply, hopelessly in love with him.

It was a hand on my arm that pulled me from my thoughts. I looked over and saw the guy from inside standing right next to me. He had a grin on his face, a glossy-eyed look on his face, and reeked of beer. Why hadn’t I noticed those things before?

“Hey. You ran out of there so fast I couldn’t get to know you better.” His words were slurred, and with the music and atmosphere dulled because we were outside, I could clearly see he was trashed.

I shrugged off his hold and took a step to the side to put some space between us. “Yeah, that’s not really my scene. I’m just waiting for someone then I’m gone.” I didn’t like the vibes I got from him, especially given that he was drunk. I focused in front of me, silently telling Max to hurry up.

And then I saw a flash of headlights and my belly did this little, nervous flip. I knew it was Max before I made out his car.

I straightened, smiling when it was confirmed, and he pulled to a stop at the curb. But just as I was about to go down the steps and meet him, the drunk guy wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned in close. His warm, beer-smelling breath had bile rising up in my throat.

I was about to excuse myself, when I glanced toward Max’s direction and felt my eyes widen and my stomach do a flip. Even from the distance, I saw a look of rage cover his face as he stared at the guy who still had his arm wrapped around my waist. I was so frozen that I hadn’t even moved away. And as I watched Max barrel toward us, I looked at the drunk. He was watching Max with this confused look on his face.

“You should go,” I muttered, because truthfully, I didn’t know what Max would do. Did he think I was in danger? Did he think the guy was trying to fondle me? I supposed in a way he was. His touch was absolutely not consensual. But I’d never seen this kind of anger come from Max.
