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“I had Violet deliver them,” he says with a shrug. “After I dealt with Caspian.”

“Everything okay with him?”

“Nothing you need to worry about,” Sebastian says, and he kisses me.

I can taste the lie on his lips.

“Okay.” I flick my tongue against his and then pull back. “What’s the plan today? For the summit?”

Sebastian’s gaze darkens slightly. “Only summit members can attend the meeting. But I need you to be my eyes and ears with the other supernaturals the members brought with them. Everyone has an entourage—get in with those groups and see if you can discover anything interesting.”

“I can do that.”

I smile and slide my hand around Sebastian’s back. He kisses me again and then we have our coffee and get dressed. An hour later we arrive at the winery, and he turns to me.

“Good luck today,” I say.

“You, too. I’ll find you later.”

And with that, he strides off across the courtyard toward the hotel.

His request is actually perfect—cozying up to the other supernatural staff like myself is bound to produce more intel than speaking with the big bosses themselves. It’s perfect for finding out what I need to uproot the Night Guild once and for all. And it’s perfect for finding out how involved Sebastian really is in all of this.

Before I dive in, however, I provide a quick coded text update to Tamsin, my check in as I’d been making sure to do every twelve hours.

I think I’m getting the hang of my new duties. Hopefully a promotion soon! The boss seems to like me.

I cringe at the third sentence. If Tamsin and the others only knew how much—and how many times—my new boss liked me, I doubt they’d approve. And while I certainly hadn’t anticipated the path things had taken, I’d come in here prepared to do anything necessary to take down the Night Guild. There could be a lot worse things to do than Sebastian Black, that’s for sure.

After I send my update to the Society, I decide to start my intel gathering with Aza’s entourage. It seems I’m most familiar with that group—we’re kissing buddies now, after the whole orgy thing. I bring three bottles of expensive champagne, and an hour later, when everyone but me is falling-down drunk, I finally start to get the info I’m looking for.

“Aza is for sure going to take over as head of the Guild,” says Jyna, who seems to be the big-mouth of the bunch. “And then we’re going to be part of the inner circle of the most powerful supernatural in the world.”

“Do you think we’ll get a raise?” asks another of the groupies, a lavender-skinned demon.

“Oooh, or like, new titles?” says a flame-haired witch hanging upside down off the end of the bed. “I could be Head Witch to the High Mistress of the Night Guild.”

“That’s the longest and most ridiculous title I’ve ever heard, Macy,” scoffs another of the demons. “Talk about a mouthful.”

“We all know Macy loves a mouthful!” squeals one of the other witches.

The room explodes in laughter and Macy glares and shoots magic at the other witch, singeing her hair, which elicits another round of laughter and squealing.

“So, you guys think it’s a done deal, huh?” I ask. I’m slumped in a chair, and I make a show of guzzling a bottle of champagne, though I let most of it slide back into the bottle. At this point, they’re too drunk to notice.

“Absolutely,” Jyna says, and the others nod. “Aza owns more businesses than anyone else at the summit, she’s richest, and she’s by far the most ruthless.”

“I don’t know,” I say. “Caspian sure gives me the creeps. I’d wager he’s pretty cutthroat himself.”

“Is it true he murdered his whole family?” Macy asks, her wide eyes pinned to mine. “Except your boss, of course.”

I freeze, my heart skipping to a halt in my chest. My eyes blink rapidly. “I—I don’t know,” I answer honestly. If it’s true, then that means Sebastian has had a horrific life. One I can’t even fathom, even with all the terrible things I’ve endured.

“Yeah, it’s pretty brutal, even by demon standards,” says the lavender demon. “Most family challenges are won by force, and some of the disputes certainly end in death, but usually it’s more intimidation and threats.”

I shiver. I can’t imagine growing up like that. I’m glad they’re all too wasted to notice my reaction.

“I suppose Caspian could give Aza a run for her money,” Jyna muses aloud.
