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She looked back over at Cassidy. “So what does that mean for you and me?”

“Well, it means you can live with me. I can even legally adopt you. Or if you prefer, you have the financial means now to have a guardian appointed until you reach the age of eighteen, and live in your own place. It’s totally up to you.”

“Live with you?”

“Well, it would be flexible. I keep pretty busy, but I’ve got a housekeeper who’s been with me a long time. She’s got a daughter about your age. I think it would work out. But again, it’s up to you.”

“I’ll need to think about it,” said Julie.

“Absolutely. Take all the time you need,” said Cassidy quickly.

Robie said, “Why don’t you start trying to get to know each other right now? I don’t think Mr. Cassidy here dressed up just to talk to you for a few minutes. Would that be okay, Julie? I can come back and pick you up later.”

“I guess that would be okay.”

Robie looked at Cassidy and smiled. “Have a good time.”

“Thank you, Agent Robie. From the bottom of my heart.”

Robie and Vance turned and walked out.

Julie caught up with them before they even reached the car.

“Okay,” she began. “That story was total bullshit. What’s really going on here?”

Robie said, “I was telling you the truth. You are related to him. He cared for your parents deeply. He will care for you deeply. He’s rich. Life will not suck.”

A smile crept across Julie’s face. “Pick me up in two hours.”

“I will.”

She held up something. It was a small canister. “It’s the paralytic spray you gave me. Just in case he turns out to be a creep.”

She walked back to the bar.

Vance said, “I feel sorry for whoever ticks her off.”

“I don’t. They’ll have deserved whatever they get.”

Vance looked at him as they got into the car. “You ever going to tell me the real story about Cassidy?”



Robie put the car in drive and pulled away from the curb.

She touched him on the shoulder. “You doing all right?”

“I’m fine.”

“I hate to bring this up, but what did bin Talal mean when he said…”

Robie slowed the car and looked at her.

She glanced away and said, “Never mind. So we have two hours. You want to grab some lunch?”

“Yeah, I do.”

They ate, talked about things they might do together, but part of Robie wasn’t even listening. They said their goodbyes.

As she was climbing out of the car Vance said, “If you keep saving my life I’m really going to start developing an inferiority complex.”

“There’s nothing inferior about you, Nikki. You’re top-notch in my book.”

“I don’t understand you completely, Robie, but I want to understand you. Does that make sense?”

He looked at her, a smile edging across his lips. “I think you’ll have the opportunity.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

He picked up Julie at the appointed time and drove her back to an apartment the Feds had temporarily gotten for her. It came complete with a housekeeper who packed a gun and could kick the crap out of most intruders.

Before Julie got out of the car she turned back to Robie.

“Is this goodbye like forever?”

“Do you want it to be?”

“Do you want it to be?”

“No, not really.”

“But you’re not sure.”

“I don’t want you to ever be hurt again because of me.”

“Life is what it is, Will. You take it as it comes.”

“That’s always been my philosophy.”

“Where do you think I learned it from?” She playfully punched him in the arm. “Thanks. I mean it. For everything.”

“I think I owe you more than you owe me.”

“How about we split it down the middle?”

She reached over and hugged him. He was tentative at first, but finally Robie hugged her back.

She got out of the car and slowly walked up to her apartment. She turned back, waved at him, and then, despite her still-gimpy leg, Julie skipped up the last few steps.

Like a kid.

Robie smiled and watched until he could no longer see her.

Her injuries would fully heal. At least her physical ones. And her emotional ones might too, given her age.

Robie could not say the same for himself.

The image of Annie Lambert came bursting into his mind like it had been fired there with a rocket launcher. Every moment they had spent together. Everything they had said to each other. Every possibility he might have given thought to about what could have been between them.

And she had been a killer.

Just like he was a killer.

His had been by choice.

She had had no real choice in the matter.

So who was the guiltier one?

It was like Julie had said. You had to take life as it came. It gave no quarter, spared no feelings. Limited no pain. Put no ceiling on happiness.

This was his world.

He was who he was.

He could not change that.

He was not an innocent.

And the people he hunted certainly weren’t innocent.

Maybe the best Robie could do was protect those who actually were.


TO MICHELLE, your extraordinary enthusiasm for this book really meant a lot.

To David Young, Jamie Raab, Emi Battaglia, Jennifer Romanello, Tom
