Page 112 of The Hit (Team Zulu 1)

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Epilogue - Shep

Two Years Later, Appalachian Mountains

IsnuckCam’spresentinto our bedroom before heading to the workshop.

“Cam?” I came around the barn doors and found her waxing the already gleaming Camaro. Ranger sat nearby, keeping a close eye on our girl. He rarely left her side these days.

“Darlin’, why are you cleaning Helen again?” It was the second time she’d done it this week, and the car hadn’t even left the workshop.

She smoothed a rag over the sleek black lines of the hood before standing. A smile lit her face when she rested one hand on her belly, which was… well… pretty darn huge at thirty-eight weeks pregnant. Our little peanut had grown into a watermelon.

She shrugged. “I think this must be my version of nesting.”

When Cam had first put it to me that she wanted us to start a family, I’d needed time to think it through. Honestly? It was something I never thought I’d have. The idea of raising a child and screwing it up scared the hell out of me. It concerned me my only role model for fatherhood was my old man, and I didn’t want to be like him.

But I wasn’t my dad. Far from it. Cam had helped me see that. And when we’d stared wide-eyed at the little blue positive symbol on the pee stick, my heart swelled bigger than I thought possible. All because of her.

I put my arms around her shoulders, drawing her in for a hug. She relaxed into me.

“You should be resting.” I tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and searched her eyes for weariness. I found none. She was taking this pregnancy in stride and looked beautiful.

“I’m fine.” She laughed and slapped me on the chest. “Stop fussing over me.”

My eyes ran over her. The freckles across her nose were a little darker, cheeks a little fuller, boobs alotfuller, and those long, wavy locks were more lustrous than ever.

Fucking gorgeous.

“I’ve got something to show you. Come with me.” I took Cam by the hand, leading her into the cabin and down the hallway. We stopped outside our bedroom, but Ranger headed right on in and jumped on the bed.

“Close your eyes.”

She did as I asked before I brought her into the room.

“You can open them.”

Cam sucked in a breath. “Oh my God, Shep. It’s incredible!” She approached the rocking chair I’d been working on in secret for weeks, shaking her head as she took in every detail.

From the moment we’d returned home from San Diego, Cam had kept me occupied with projects. First up had been an extra workshop big enough for her to work on her car and others in time. And when we’d found out she was pregnant, she asked for an extension to the cabin. Four more bedrooms. I guessed building things wouldn’t be the only task keeping me busy.

Working with my hands relaxed me. I sure as shit didn’t miss being a hitman; I was glad those days were done. I was more than happy to turn my attention to making a life with the beautiful woman before me and the baby boy we’d soon be bringing into this world. I did my best to make sure Cam lived the sweet life she deserved, and I felt more peace than I’d ever known, so we were both enjoying our life together in the mountains.

Cam eased her frame into the chair and tested the gentle rocking motion, her hands gliding over the smooth armrests. “It’s perfect. All of it. You’re amazing.” She beamed as she looked around the room at the crib and changing table I’d finished months ago. I’d never been so proud of my work before that moment.

This fatherhood thing was growing on me.

She stood with effort and approached me. Her palms pressed against my chest as she smiled and gazed into my eyes. “You’re going to be a great dad. I hope our little man turns out just like you.”

I placed one hand on her belly, in awe of the growing life inside of her, and wondered if maybe that wasn’t such a bad thing.

The End
