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Wren sighed. “I don’t either. But maybe you should go, take some space and think things through, okay? If you need to talk, I’m here.”

Some space. Yes, that sounded nice. She was right. I needed to get away and clear my head before I did anything else. I breathed in, holding it before I let it out. I met her gaze, trying to smile but didn’t quite make it. “Thank you.”

Wren nodded. “Anytime.” She turned and opened the door, but before she stepped out, she looked back at me, a devilish grin on her face. “And once you figure things out and feel better, I want the details about this kiss. Every. Single. One.”

That coaxed the tiniest smile from me. Even though I was mortified and confused, leave it to your best girl friend to grab some humor out of something that seemed horrible.

Wren giggled, stepping into the ballroom. I followed, hoping I wouldn’t run into Ty or Knox on my way out. It was time for me to head home, to get some space. To breathe.

The house was quiet. Faye left after she had gotten Dad into bed for the night. I’d talked to her on the phone on the way home and she said everything went well.

I glanced at my father’s bedroom door as I hung my purse up on a hook. Buffy mewed at me softly from the couch as I headed to check on Dad. I smiled at her, stopping to pet her head when something caught my eye. I’m not sure why, but my notebook sitting on the coffee table made me pause. I hadn’t picked it up since the night Ty read it, but something inside me called me.

I slowly sat on the couch next to my cat who’d gone back to sleep. I took a breath, and picked up the notebook. I didn’t write often, but it was a hobby I’d come to love. And the story I’d begun writing in this notebook was especially close to my heart. The idea had simply come to me one day, as if my mind had snatched it out of thin air. I’d picked up a pen and I couldn’t stop writing. It was about a girl who was lost and broken trying to put the pieces of her life together again when she meets a guy…who throws her life into chaos.

I slipped out the pen I’d stuck through the silver spiral and opened the notebook. Before I could think of anything else, I began to write.

As I wrote, my head cleared, feeling less crowded and overwhelmed. It brought me…some peace and I wondered why I didn’t write more often. It was like a release, an escape, but also a way to work things out in my brain. To discover what I truly thought about myself and the world.

I wasn’t sure how long I’d written, but my hand was cramping and I was close to the end of the notebook when I put my pen down. I wasn’t ready to write the end of this story, not yet.

I stood up, realizing I was still in my heels and I kicked them off. I finally headed to Daddy’s room. My mind was less heavy, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a lot of confusion about what had happened tonight. What was I going to do about having kissed my best friend?

I opened my dad’s bedroom door, considering crawling into bed beside him again. I wanted to talk things out with him, even if he couldn’t speak back, his listening comforted me.

As I peeked into the small, dim room, something cold slithered down my spine. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as I stared at the form of my father in his bed. My breath caught in my throat.

Something was wrong. Very, very wrong.
