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Denier murmured, “And if I am there when they are trying, they get to bleed out as I chew their head off.”

She caressed his neck. “I have more hopes for those jaws of yours.”

He looked at her in surprise, then chuckled. “On that note, I think you should see your new home. It will be staffed in a day or two, but until then, we will have it all to ourselves.”

She looked up at him, and she had one stipulation. “We have to stop in Aksalla first, so they can see I am all right.”

He nuzzled her neck. “Ten minutes and no more. Sex might not be recommended, but a chance to learn all of you is definitely in my plans.”

She lifted her com and tapped a message in. “Let’s go.”

He lifted her in his arms and swept her through the nearest shadowed corner. They appeared in the guestroom closet.

A giggle was heard from the other side of the door.

When he set her down and they exited, Baola hugged her. She had been waiting. “I am glad you are okay, Auntie.”

Brit hugged her.

“You finally smell pretty. Good. Uncle is going to take good care of you. It will be fun to have two reapers in the family.”

Denier growled. “What?”

Baola let out peals of laughter. “Salat said that would give you a heart attack. I am just joking, Uncle.”

Baola looked at Brit and did one of her quick winks. Brit’s niece took their hands and pulled them out of the bedroom, pausing to give Brit her cleaned dress. “It isn’t much, but it’s fixed and cleaned. You are hard on clothes, Auntie.”

Denier allowed himself to be hauled to the main floor and out to where the family was chatting. Brit was smiling softly.

Khytten was back in a soft sundress that fit and fluttered around her. Tirra held two of the triplets, and Gorith had the other one. Salat was rubbing his mate’s feet.

He glanced up with a grin. “So, no more contract on you, Brit?”

“Uh, well, one was replaced for another. I have a mistress contract.”

Khytten grinned. “Neat. Are there breeding stipulations?”

“More of anif, rather than awhen.” Brit smiled.

Khytten smiled at Denier. “I knew I liked you.”

He inclined his head. “Thank you. She wanted to come here to engage in proof of life.”

Salat chuckled. “Looks like your mother dressed her for an interview as your housekeeper.”

Brit sighed. “No one in that family is a fan of jeans on females.”

Denier leaned down and whispered. “I like to be able to get at you.”

Khytten chuckled. “I am just amazed that you were able to be among the Sethir-Nin and not get trapped.”

Brit slowly turned to Denier. “Where was the reaper headquarters?”

He nuzzled her cheek. “Four minutes left.”

Baola scowled. “Until what?”

“Um, part of my promise was that I would stay with Denier, and he has a place on Daycross, so that will be my home. I can’t go back to the capitol because I tore out my tracker, and I don’t have a job in Aksalla, so I need a place to be safe and protected for a while.”
