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Remembering another suggestion the other men had made, he let his hand begin to slip down to the plump lips between his wife's legs.

"Alex! NO, STOP!" Grace squealed, bucking again. Which only made her cunny press against his fingers, and he knew immediately why she'd wanted him to stop.

The others had been right. She was wet. Her pussy had creamed as he'd spanked her. Despite her protests and pleas, some part of her had liked everything he'd just done to her - hell, loved it, from the feel of her.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he murmured, dipping his finger into her soft folds and swirling his finger again. It was torture for his cock, to know that her heated quim was so close, yet quite sure that he wouldn'

t be burying himself in heaven tonight. Grace moaned in humiliation, hanging her head as much as she could in her current position as she tried to close her legs and force his hand out. She wanted to keep fighting, but at the same time, she didn’t want to incite him back into spanking her. Worse, she didn’t want him to stop what he was doing. It felt so good, so right, to be touched by him.

He let his finger slide further, finding the swollen pleasure pearl and rubbing against the sensitive bud while she gasped and writhed.

"Alex, please." The husky, throaty plea made his cock throb even harder, and he knew he was already seconds away from cumming. Months of abstinence combined with Grace over his lap, slick and ready for him, her bottom red from a spanking, had done that to him.

"Please what? Are you ready to beg for me Grace? If you want me in your bed, all you have to do is ask."

She shuddered, and he swore he could hear her teeth grinding together, right before she made a sound like a little growl. Even though she was aroused and had been right on the point of begging, his reminder had her pride rearing back up with a vengeance. Drawing a small circle around her clit with his forefinger, he slid his thumb into her wet hole as he tormented her a little bit more, feeling the tightness of her inner muscles clamping down on him. She gasped, but she still didn’t say yes, she still held herself back.

Then he sighed, letting his disappointment fill his voice. "I suppose not. Very well, Gracie."

With great reluctance, Alex pulled his hand away from the soft heaven between his wife's legs and released her wrists. It took a moment, and then Grace pushed up and away, both of her hands in front of her mons as if to cover herself from him, since her drawers were pooled around her ankles. The red heat in her cheeks wasn't only from embarrassment, he would wager his title on that.

As she stared at him, breathing heavily and looking like a chaotic mix of confusion, anger, embarrassment and passionate arousal, Grace's mouth opened and closed several times. Very deliberately, Alex brought his thumb to his mouth, making sure that she could see her juices coating the digit, and then he sucked it between his lips. The sweet, musky taste of her exploded on his tongue and he felt the ache of it all the way into his kidneys as his cock and balls tightened even further.

"You still taste delicious, Gracie," he said, after pulling his thumb back out of his mouth. He wasn't at all averse to showing her how much he desired her. Especially because right now he was sure that she desired him too. Her pretty pink lips made a small 'o' of shock as she blinked, completely stunned. Alex grinned at her, feeling so much like his old self that even his aching cock didn't bother him. "Turn around, sweetheart, and I'll undo your corset so that you can go to sleep."

Surprisingly, she didn't argue with him, she just turned and he was treated to the sight of the hem of her chemise hovering over her spanked bottom. The sheer material did nothing to hide the bright red splotches from his gaze. It was quite erotic.

Very quickly, Alex undid his wife's corset. Knowing that he wasn't going to find relief with her tonight, he wanted to touch her as little as possible right now. He had no desire to torture himself any further.

The unlacing of her corset should have made it easier for Grace to breathe, but she still felt utterly breathless. Her bottom was throbbing on its fiery surface, but that was nothing compared to the hot, pulsing need between her legs. Part of her wanted to throw herself at Alex and just sate the need. If she thought she could give her body to him without endangering the walls around her heart, she would… but she wasn’t sure of her defenses at the moment.

Alex’s gentle hands as he unlaced her, the way he’d aroused her after punishing her, had her completely off-kilter. When he turned her to face him again, she found that she couldn’t look up at him. The hard shell that she’d cultivated over the years, that she’d clung to the past few days she’d spent in his presence, felt like it was crumbling around her.

“You took your punishment very well, but no more insults, Gracie. I won't tolerate it,” Alex murmured, pressing his lips against her forehead. His hands were gentle on her shoulders, sliding over the thin fabric of her chemise. “Next time I’ll use a hairbrush.”

She shivered, wondering how he could sound so threatening and so tender at the same time. The spot on her forehead where he'd kissed her felt feverish. Part of her wished that he would hold her again, comfortingly, the way he had after he'd spanked her in the carriage.

Instead, he released her and walked over to her dresser, pulling out one of her nightgowns. Grace let him dress her like a doll. Everything felt surreal, as if she was dreaming rather than being awake. Except that her bottom hurt too much for this to be a dream.

"Grace..." Alex's voice was deep, seductive. "Tell me you want me." She looked up into his glowing eyes, and for one horrifying moment she felt herself weaken. The shock of it made her jerk away and she shook her head, clutching her arms, thankful for the covering of her nightgown.

Whipping around, she fled to the other side of the bed and practically threw herself under the covers. She didn't trust her voice right now. Why being spanked lowered her defenses so much, she didn't know. She would have thought that it would make her even more determined against him, but for some reason it made her feel almost cared about. Of course, his behavior after punishing her might have something to do with that too. While she didn't like the spanking, and she was shocked at her arousal even after hearing Cynthia's brazen report, she did like the comfort and praise he gave her afterwards. Somehow she felt closer to him.

Which was just idiocy on her part.

Closing her eyes, she tried to even her breathing, hoping to force herself into sleep before Alex finished with his nightly ablations and joined her in the bed.

Glancing over at the lump of sheets that covered his wife, Alex stifled a sigh. She was on her side, he could tell, probably protecting her bottom from any further stimulation. Part of him had hoped that she'd relent and let them at least join together physically. A woman who was well satisfied in bed was halfway to being well-satisfied with her life. He wanted to connect with her again, and the best way he knew how was physically. Even when he'd been younger and less cynical, he'd always had trouble expressing himself in words.

His cock was still throbbing painfully, and as he stripped down he could see that it was a dark, angry red color. He'd seen plenty of women naked before his marriage, and in the years after it, but none of them ever caused the same kind of reaction that Grace did. That pale, creamy skin made him want to search out all of her sensitive pink parts with his tongue. Hours could be spent, worshiping her from head to toe, discovering what spots made her whimper and what spots made her moan. Helping her change her clothes had been torture, but well worth it, just to see her bared to him again. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure Grace was still facing away from him, he picked up one of his handkerchiefs. Gritting his teeth, he faced away from her, leaning one hand against the vanity as he wrapped the handkerchief around the turgid rod and began to pump his hand.

Immediately, the taste of her in his mouth seemed much more vibrant, the memory of her quivering buttocks danced before his eyes, and the sound of her moan as he'd teased her pussy filled his ears. It only took a few hard strokes of his hand before he was spilling into the handkerchief, the relief of culmination making his knees feel weak. Fortunately, he'd managed to keep from making even the smallest sound, only the faster pace of his breathing indicated he'd been doing something illicit.

Glancing over his shoulder again, he made sure that Grace hadn't moved, and was both relieved and disappointed to confirm the fact.

Discarding the handkerchief, Alex made his way back to the bed, completely nude. He'd allow Grace to keep her nightgown as long as she wanted to, but he was no longer going to be uncomfortable in bed. Tonight, she'd wanted him. He knew she had, even though she'd turned him away. The fact that she'd hesitated before doing so gave him hope.

As he crawled into the bed, all too aware of the p
