Page 35 of Nanny

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“I’m trying, Hunter.”

“If you have any questions, I want you to come to me and ask.”

“I have one.”

“Go ahead.”

“I told my friend that I would meet her for lunch today. Would you mind if I take Sofi with me so they could meet?”

Not the kind of question I was expecting.

“The friend who works in one of my places?”

“Poppy, yes.”

“If you trust her, I see no problem in taking Sofi out with you, but let me remind you that you’ve signed an NDA.”

“I know that.”


I kissed her forehead.


In the second half of the day, I got sucked into three executive meetings and a forty minutes call with the San Diego chief of police who was kind enough to tell me in so many words that he had no leads. My sister was dead and buried and no one could find the fucker that harmed her. The last thing I wanted was to get more people involved in this, especially the public, but like I’d said to the chief, they’d have three days to come and tell me something, or I’ll get a small army of private eyes to do their fucking job. There was no rest for me, no peace, no closure, until I’d get to look into the eyes of Jason Klain while he was sent to rot in a cell for what he did to Elena.

The call with the San Diego PD managed to erase the frilled excitement I still had from my previous encounter with Amelia. When I finally left my office, I was tensed and angry. The helplessness that settled deep into my bones every time I thought about Elena’s death came back and there was no worse feeling. I needed to feel in control again, and I knew exactly how to do that.

When Raoul pulled the car in front of my house, I got out and fled for the door as soon as the wheels stopped spinning. I had plans with the kitten and now that my body was buzzing, begging for some form of release, all of that became vital. I frowned when I walked into the living room and found the entire bottom floor in total silence. I checked my Rolex to see it was past nine o’clock already. I didn’t expect Amelia to wait for me at the door, but it seemed I had to go and hunt her down. I sighed and shook my head—there was going to be a lot of work to train her.

I threw my suit jacket on a chair, ditched the tie, and loosened my buttons before going up the stairs towards Amelia’s corners. It was about time to introduce her to her first punishment.

Upstairs, the first thing I noticed was the light coming from the nursery, which came as a surprise. I knew nothing about children, but it seemed to be a pretty late hour for someone as young as Sofi to be up. I opened the door slowly and the image hit me full force. The room looked nothing like it did a few days ago. I knew Amelia said that Sofi was in need of a lot of things, but she went as far as purchasing furniture, décor, and a shitload of toys. The nursery looked welcoming now—permanent—and that wasn’t sitting well with me. This wasn’t Sofi’s home. This was just a stop on her way toa homewhere she’d be raised by people who know what the fuck they’re doing.

Amelia was on a rocking chair next to the crib, talking to a napping baby that was sucking on a pacifier. It was peaceful to watch Sofi so calm and safe.

“You can be whatever you want, baby girl.” Amelia spoke just above a whisper. “There are no barriers that you can’t conquer. You will grow up and be amazing, I know it. I will try my hardest to make you happy, Sofi, and if you ever feel lonely, remember you have a guardian angel watching over you. Your mother will always be close. She loved you so much and…”

“Don’t talk about her.” I said, low but demanding, and Amelia jumped up on her feet with a hand on her chest.

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, you scared me. I was so focused on Sofi I didn’t hear the door opening. I was just saying…”

“I heard you. Do not talk about my sister. You don’t know her, you know nothing about her story.”

“I wasn’t trying to offend anybody, Mr. Knox.”

“Did I make myself clear?”

“Yes.” Her voice trembled.

I wasn’t proud for putting Amelia down, but today Elena’s ghost showed up at every corner. No one would ever understand how hard it was to live with the reminders and the guilt, so no one got to judge my reactions.

“Is Sofi asleep?”

“Yes, she went down twenty minutes ago, but I decided to stay here a little longer and make sure.”

“Good. Put on your collar and get to my bedroom.”

“But, Mr. Knox…”

“I will meet you there. You have ten minutes. After that, you’ll get a spanking for every minute that passes, Amelia.”

I turned and left without giving her any more explanations. I needed to dominate and above that, I needed to dominateherand feel that power traveling through my blood. Usually when I was in a mood like this, I’d get in contact with one of my female friends—professional submissives who knew what I needed and knew how to give it to me—but for tonight, the nanny had to be sufficient.
