Page 4 of Nanny

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Chapter 2


Emily Martin was probably one of those intelligent, lifelike robots. The woman was the no-bullshit type, going straight to the point, and very efficient at what she was doing. She made me send her all my information while we were on the phone so she could check my references and she ran my background check all at the same time. She told me to meet her for the interview at nine the next morning, which was an extremely fast response, but I wasn’t going to argue with her. She didn’t sound like a woman who liked to be jerked around about scheduling, so I woke up early and fixed myself up.

I curled my hair, put on some light make up, and got dressed in one of my favorite pink dresses. The kids liked it when I wore it at school and it wasn’t showing too much of my legs or cleavage. I wanted to present myself as a professional young woman, not some airhead.

I’d heard a knock on my bedroom door and when I turned, Poppy was already walking in with a travel mug.

“I made you coffee for the road.”

“I still have some time; I could drink it in the kitchen.”

“Nope. Go early so you make a good impression. Do you have the address?”

“Yes, but there’s something weird about it.” I pointed at the piece of paper where I wrote the info. “Doesn’t Knox have a business building downtown? This address is in Spring Valley.”

“Oh, I guess it’s the address to his house.”

“Oh, my God.” I don’t know why, but going into Hunter Knox’s space was sending shivers down my spine.

“Well, he is looking for someone to work in that house, so it makes sense. No more stalling, Amy. Off you go.” She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the front door, put my purse and phone in my arms, and pushed me out of the house.

I had no chance to go back to the inside and enjoy a cup of coffee like normal people, so I jumped behind the wheel and put my beat-up Honda in drive. It wasn’t a fancy car, but she was solid. When I got on the Bruce Woodbury Beltway to Spring Valley, I thanked Poppy in my mind for making me go early. I still had a lot of time, but the traffic was crazy and I hated being late. I was never late for anything in my entire life and I wasn’t going to start today when I had to meet Hunter Knox’s assistant.

When my GPS warned me that I was close to my destination, I started looking around. Right after I left, Emily sent me a confirmation email and a new set of information. Poppy was right when she said I was going to Knox’s private residence and after I followed his assistant’s instruction, it was pretty easy to find.

The house was a massive structure up a hill, located in a gated community at the edge of the Valley with an incredibly long driveway and grounds that looked more like a park than someone’s front yard. Hunter Knox definitely had a passion for fountains because he had them all the way from the gate to the house, all lit in different colors. From the front I could see a garage, stairs that went up on a terrace with an infinity pool, and floor to ceiling windows everywhere. Yeah, Knox was rich and this place was showing it.

Not knowing what to do, I parked my car, which looked very comical next to the brand-new Lamborghini that was also out. Not knowing what to do or where to go, I picked up my cell and called Emily.

“Miss Hart,” she answered right away. It wasn’t a question or anything, she just acknowledged that I was calling her. See, no bullshit?

“Yeah, umm, hey. I know I’m fifteen minutes early, but I’m already at the house and I’m not sure where to go.”

“You’re in the front?”

“Yes, I think.”

“Ok, I can see you on the security cameras. I’ll be there to pick you up in three minutes.” And she hung up.

I wasn’t sure if I loved Emily Martin or feared her to death. I surely admired the way she was handling everything with her iron fist. Exactly three minutes later, I saw her showing up on top of the stairs and if I wasn’t sure I was into men, I would have asked her to blow this interview and take me out for coffee instead. She was gorgeous, with her raven black hair in a sleek ponytail and sharp cheekbones. She had a white pantsuit on and red stilettos and despite my best efforts to look good, I was feeling underdressed in comparison.

I got out of the car with a smile on my face and luckily, she smiled back.

“It’s very nice to meet you.” I extended my hand and she shook it.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Miss Hart.”

“Amy works just fine.”

“Amy then. I’m Emily. We have all your information, and Mr. Knox is waiting for you in his office.”

She started walking and I followed without question, but of course my stupid mouth couldn’t stay shut.

“You are younger than you sounded on the phone.” Why would anyone say that? She couldn’t be over thirty, but after our conversation last night, I guessed she was around fifty-ish.

Thank God she laughed and not threw me out on my ass.
