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“And what about after five years? Who takes over for you?”

“My father and John would take over. They would basically be trustees of the company until my kids come of age.”

“Wow,” he said unimpressed. “So, you’re basically doing the same thing to your kids that they’re doing to you.”

I frowned, having not really thought of it that way. “I guess,” I grumbled. “But it’s done. What would you have me do now?”

“There’s no backing out?”

“Not at this stage.”

“And you’re just going to divorce her after five years?”

That was the irony of the whole thing. “As much as I hate this situation, I don’t think I could do it. If I have kids, I will be there for them.”

He nodded to the door. “Then what the fuck are you doing with Rose? You’re not free.”

“Neither is she,” I snapped, running my hand through my hair. “Fuck, I don’t know. I kissed her.”

“You what?” he barked.

“I know, alright! I know it was wrong. I know that I’m making this harder on myself.”

“You’re risking everything for this woman,” he retorted. “You don’t even know her.”

“I know that I feel something I’ve never felt with anyone when I’m with her. I know that she makes me laugh.”

“You’ve known her for two fucking days,” he snapped. “I guarantee you, if you fuck this deal up, you won’t just have to answer to your father. You’ll have Wallace coming after you. Fighting off two families is a lot harder than one. And then what happens to your company? It falls into their hands? What the fuck good will this have been for?”

“You’re acting like I don’t know this! Fuck, I know exactly what happens if anything goes on between us. I’m not fucking stupid.”

“Then do yourself a favor and walk away now. You’re only hurting yourself.”

He stormed out of the house, but his words hung heavy in the air. I knew I was hurting myself, but how could I just deny what I felt deep inside? I had two weeks with her and then she was gone. I could keep my hands to myself. I could just spend time with her and not touch her. It wasn’t ideal, but it was better than not being around her at all.
