Page 111 of Lightning

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The three at the table had fallen once more into silence. Sadie’s head was raised and watching them closely. Uncomfortable silence.

She had five more steps until she reached them and would have to act.

In her hand was proof that General Liú Zuocheng was not lying. It hadnotbeen an attack by the Chinese.

But if he was somehow dismissed, he would wonder if she had held proof that ithadbeen of Chinese origin. In which case the shaky sliver of trust built here would be shattered.

The question was, did Susan trust the word of the Director of the CIA?

General Nason had selected Reese for this meeting. And her lack of tact spoke of a forthrightness surprising in a former CIA field agent.

At her last step, Susan remembered something Clarissa had said about the logistics of firing the laser of the Chinese satellite.

That’s when she smiled.
