Page 89 of Flawless Desire

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“I said, nothing.” Caleb barks. “I’ll handle it.”

“Handle what?” I demand, frustrated. “You’re not telling me anything!”

“Because it’s none of your business!” Caleb yells.

There’s silence. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him lose control like this. Never.

Caleb realizes it too. He takes a deep breath, and looks at me, cool and detached. The commanding CEO again.

“You don’t have to worry about it. I’ll have security put on your place.”

My heart beats double-time. “Security? Does this mean I’m in danger?”

He doesn’t answer, just stalks to the door and walks out.

I want to throw something.

Outside, I hear him telling Victoria that something came up and to cancel all his meetings.

And then he’s gone.

I stand there, heart racing, surer than ever now that something is wrong. That in my lust, I may have completely misjudged Caleb Sterling. He’s hiding something. Something big.

Something that’s putting me in danger.

And there’s no way in hell I’m going to stand by and wait obediently for him to figure it out.

I grab my purse, and follow him out.
