Page 44 of Ruthless Heart

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“What are you doing here?” I blurt, thrown by the sight of him—and the proximity, the two of us alone in the cabin.

“What does it look like, Princess?” Nero buttons up a white shirt, then strips off his jeans. I turn away, taking stock of the room while he dresses for dinner.

It’s a luxury suite, done up in the same luxe rustic style as the main lodge, with a pair of deer antlers mounted on the wall and massive four-poster bed in the middle of the room, dominating the space.

The only bed, I realize with a sinking heart. I assumed there would be a living area, or some kind of couch one of us could sleep on, but there’s no alternative.

No escape.

I gulp. “What are we going to do about the sleeping arrangements?” I ask. Nero is zipping up dress pants now, so it’s safe to turn back.

As safe as I’ll ever be, looking at him.

“What about them?” he asks.

I try not to blush. “There’s only one bed.”

Nero smirks. “You’re not getting shy, are you? I’ve seen it all, sweetheart… Remember?”


I can’t help but shiver at the memory of his body thrusting against mine. His hands, pinning me down. His mouth, taking me to heaven and back.

My cheeks burn hotter—and from the smug amusement on Nero’s face, he can tell exactly what I’m thinking. He strolls towards me, and every nerve in my body freezes in anticipation for his touch as he reaches—

Past me. To the garment bag hanging by the door.

“Don’t worry,” Nero adds, his voice hard as ice. “I don’t revisit past mistakes. Been there, done that. Or rather, I’ve done you.”

Nero shrugs on a dinner jacket, and I feel a surge of humiliation.

“You’re overdressing,” I snap, taking a perverse pleasure in cutting him down in return for that statement. “Nobody will wear a suit to dinner. You’ll stick out like a sore thumb.”

I pull a more casual outfit from the closet, which the staff have already unpacked. “Jeans, casual button-down, a cashmere sweater,” I instruct him. “Sneakers, too. I guessed your sizes.”

He glowers at me but starts to strip out of the suit. I’m in no state for another show of his naked body, so I grab my own dinner outfit and head for the bathroom to change.

He moves to block my path.

“We’ll be late,” I protest, panic flaring at his closeness.

Panic, or something more dangerous.

Like desire.

But Nero doesn’t move. “I’m getting tired of your attitude, Princess, acting like you’re so far above me.” He leans closer, his breath hot on my cheek. “You should remember, it’s because of my generosity that you’re still breathing. That your brother is still walking around out there. Alive.”

I swallow hard, my heart racing.

“You said you could be of value to me,” he continues, eyes black and cold. “So don’t forget—you need to earn your keep. And whether you do that at dinner, or in other ways… Well, that’s up to you.”

He trails a fingertip down my cheek, and I shiver, caught in the intensity of his gaze.

Other ways…

I can only guess what he’s talking about. His finger trails lower, down my neck and over my collarbone, and I can’t help shivering again.

Wanting him.
