Page 24 of The Perfect Heir

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I picked out a token from the board game as Clara licked the tip of her thumb and counted out fake money for me. Each time she flicked her pink tongue to her thumb, I stifled a groan. I didn’t know if she was taunting me on purpose, but hell if it didn’t have me imagining her tongue swirling around the crown of my cock. Or whether the color matched the lips of her pussy. Having had the privilege of touching her cunt, I already knew what it felt like while thrusting my fingers into that tight wet hole. I just hadn’t seen it yet.


We began playing, tossing the dice and moving our tokens around the board. The tension began to ease as we joked and teased one another until I saw something I didn’t like.

“Clara,” I intoned, my eyes narrowing on her.

“What?” she asked breathlessly.

She’d subtly swiped her hand to move her taxicab token off the railroad space where she’d landed and which I owned. With the card she’d drawn, she’d have to pay me four hundred dollars. Considering who Clara was, I was not the least bit surprised by her conduct. She thought she had to fight dirty to survive and stay on top as a woman in a world dominated exclusively by rough men, but it didn’t mean I was going to let her get away with it. When she was with me, I was in control.

She batted her long lashes at me.

“Put it back,” I warned, raising myself to a sitting position.

She threw her hands up, waving them to show me they were empty. Too late, I’d already caught her cheating. Although it was an innocent board game, I couldn’t let her behavior pass. First, because there was no way I’d set a precedent where I’d let her get one over on me. Second, I might hold secrets close to my chest, but I was no cheat.

Another man might have ignored it or blown it off as cute, but the perfectionist, the rule-abider, the domineering mofo in me couldn’t let it go. Especially in front of my sister. What kind of lesson would that teach her? Yeah, I got that I was obsessed with raising her right, but it was my responsibility, and I wasn’t about to fall down on the job.

“I saw you edge your taxicab off the train station. The one I own. Put it back, cheater.”

Her eyes flashed with anger, but the flush on her face didn’t lie. Instead of admitting to her wrongdoing, she dug in. It was adorable. Really, it was. Not that it would stop me from disciplining her appropriately. I leaned back on my elbow and watched the show. This was going to be fun.

Clara didn’t let me down, either.

Clutching her chest in outrage, she let out a gasp. “I am not a cheater.”

I glared across the Monopoly board at her in mock anger. Inside I was elated. My heart rate ticked up, but I played it cool and simply lounged back nonchalantly.

She scrambled to a sitting position from where she’d been laid out, like a sacrifice for me to devour, and thrust a finger in my chest. “I. Did. Not. Cheat.”

I swatted her finger away from me.

“You did. Put it back,” I ordered.

We glared at each other, fixed in a staring contest. Star’s gaze swung back and forth between us. You could cut the friction with a knife with the tension between us. My inner demon was wide awake and salivating as he surveyed our edgy interaction.

I’d called her out, which pricked her pride, and Clara was all about pride. I didn’t need to win the stupid game, but I did need to win our battle of wills. Problem was, how was I going to make my point while finding a way for her to save face?

“I don’t want to play this stupid game anymore,” she snapped. “I’m done.”

She slapped her palm on the wooden floor, the tokens and dice shuddering from the impact of her hand. She made to stand, but I grasped her wrist and kept her in place. Star let out a little wheeze of surprise at my purposeful touch.

My attention solely on Clara, I said, “Oh, we’re not finished playing.”

She gritted out between clenched teeth. “I don’t like to lose.”

It didn’t take much to figure that out about my woman.

Not breaking our stare for an instant, I demanded, “What do you need? Money? Properties? Utilities?”

“I need five hundred dollars,” she bit out.

I grabbed a fake bill from the piles on my side, because obviously I was winning, and slapped it down beside her knee.

“Done. You need anything, you come to me. Now sit back down and roll the dice again.”

“I just had my turn,” she replied testily.
