Page 39 of The Perfect Heir

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Showing great restraint, I moved off her. Taking a seat beside her, I pulled her up and into my lap. Her plump ass nestled against my hard cock, giving me the worst case of blue balls, but this was important. Luckily, restraint was my thing.

“Explain yourself,” I demanded.

She didn’t push me away or try to scramble off my lap, which pleased me, but a dark flush crept up her neck. A neck I wanted to leave a hundred marks on, to prove to her and the world she was mine. Only mine. All mine.

She swallowed. “I can’t lead the Hagi clan unless I remain a virgin. It’s why my people call me the Virgin Queen.”

My mouth parted in shock. This was outright madness. Sure, I’d heard the nickname, but I’d assumed it was because, at twenty-one, she was still unmarried. I didn’t think it was a condition to her becoming their queen.

“That’s crazy. You’re mafie. You’re a woman. You’re meant to marry. To have children. It’s your duty,” I declared exasperated. I couldn’t fathom why I had to state the basics. She knew them. Everyone, man, woman, and child, knew them.

“Not my duty. Not if I want to lead. It’s not a nickname because I’m not yet married if that’s what you think.” That was exactly what I’d thought. “It’s what I will always be.” Hell, no. “It’s a reminder and a warning. My father will make me sef on the condition I dedicate my life to my clan, and that’s what I will do. I will become the first woman sef in the history of the Romanian mafie, whether here or in Romania, Italy, France…anywhere in the world.”

I looked at her in horror. Not have this gorgeous, strong woman by my side? Not feel her tight channel strangle my cock until I spray my come into her womb and breed her? Not watch her grow fat in the middle with our child? Not possible.

I leveled her a hard look, then shook my head in denial of this new development. It wasn’t her fault. This was 100 percent her father’s fault, and I’d gut him for it if she didn’t care for him so much. He’d done a crazy number on his one and only daughter, supposed apple of his eye, coveted princess, and privileged successor.

Inhaling deeply, my nostrils flared.

Fuck her father.

I’d made her mine, period. Let her try to fight off my seduction ’cause I wasn’t going to take this lying down. There was a niggling fear in the back of my mind, fear of hurting her because she’d never taken a cock before. If she was attached to me, she’d be ready to take on the challenge when she saw me for the big ugly brute I was.

“None of this changes the fact that you’re mine,” I asserted. If anyone—her father, her clan, anyone—thought they could take her from me, they had another think coming. I didn’t need to fuck her to claim her. I was claiming her now. End of story.

A sad, resigned smile spread on her lips. “God, you’re such a man. Such a Lupu. Saying I’m yours doesn’t make it so, Tatum.”

I caressed her soft cheek with the back of my hand. “Baby, you’re mine, regardless of what we do or don’t do.” Skittering my fingertips down the side of her throat, I continued, “I’m here for you to fuck or not to fuck. There’s no reason you can’t be sef and get married and have children.”

I carefully formulated what I was about to say because Clara hero-worshipped her father, but it needed saying. “Your father can go to hell with his twisted ideas of what power looks like. You should be given leave to decide what’s right for you, not him. It’s wrong and unfair, but hey, it’s your choice. If this is how you want to play it, then you do you, but I’m not backing down. On that, you have my oath.”

Her eyes flared with fear. She knew what an oath from me meant. It meant she’d never be rid of me. “Why can’t you understand? I can’t have it all.”

I directed a look of derision at her. “You’re mine. You can have anything you damn well want. Me and sefhood included.” I flicked my fingers offhandedly and tsked. “If you think you can restrain yourself, go at it.”

I unfastened the top button of my dress shirt.

“W-what are you doing?”

“Undressing,” I replied lazily.

“For the love of God, why?”

“Because we’re sleeping in the same bed,” I pronounced.

“We are not,” she retorted with horror. “Your mother will know.”

“She won’t say a word,” I replied blithely.

I moved her off my lap, stood up, and shed my shirt. My fingers landed on my belt.

“Get out,” she cried, pointing at the door.

I undid my belt and slipped it from my pants.

Bending it in two, I slapped it against my palm.

“Listen carefully, Clara. I’m sleeping in your bed. No one will talk. Not my mother. Not Star. You can be a good girl and follow orders, or you can fight me, that’s up to you, but whichever way you decide to play this, I will still end up in your bed. To sleep or more, that depends on you.”
