Page 7 of Something Borrowed

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Chapter Five



Sunlight is already pouring into the room when I open my eyes which means I probably slept too long. Today is the day of the wedding rehearsal and dinner. Arms are wrapped around me holding me tight and what happened last night comes back to me in Technicolor flashes. Not everything but enough that I know I asked Reef to be my first. I begged him to fuck me. Oh my God!

Oh my God! I slept with Reef! I slept with someone! Reef! I lost my virginity last night. To my sister's boyfriend. The room starts to spin at the enormity of what I've done and I'm thankful that I didn't try to jump up already.

I'm a horrible person. I am the world's worst person. I'm going to hell - the worst kind of hell - sister hell. I can't stay wrapped up in Reef's arms another minute as the full consequences of what I've done hit me over and over again. I scoot out from under his arm and slowly slip from the bed. I find the dress I was wearing last night and put it on without bothering to search for my panties and bra.

I cringe as I slink past the woman at the front desk of the inn and make my way outside into the sunshine. Why the hell didn't I go out the back and through the flower garden. The first place I need to go is to my sister so I can tell her what kind of awful person I am. I try our parents' house first but don't find anyone there. The second place I go to is the little apartment over the garage that Charlie stays in but that's empty too. I make it back to town and realize I'm not going to be able to track her down. I finally resort to calling her. I have to get this off my chest. I won't be able to breathe until I do.

"Hey girl, how are you doing?" Willa is just too cheery and bright. I'm going to destroy her. I'm a monster.

"I have to see you. I did something awful."

"Okay," I hear her scuffling around and what sounds like someone else with her before she comes back on the phone, "Alright, sweetheart, meet me at mom and dad's. Are you safe? Do you need me to come get you?" I wince at her use of the nickname she chooses to use on me. Hell. It's where I'm going.

"No," my voice breaks but I swallow the sob back down, "I'll be there soon."

It takes me five minutes to make it back to our mom and dad's. Willa is there almost as fast but in a long black car with a darkly dressed driver.

"Are you alright?" She comes right to me and throws her arms around me making me feel even worse. Willa is such a sweet person. How could I do this to her? I want to die. "Tell me what's wrong, Teddy?"

"I...I slept with your boyfriend!" I end in a sob and fall into her arms. She seems shocked and pulls back just enough so she can look down at me.

"Peirce?!" Her voice is high and stressed.

"Who?" What the hell? Maybe it's a nickname they use and only they know about.

"P...Peirce! You slept with Pierce?" Her voice climbs high until she's almost screaming at me.

"I...No, I slept with Reef." I don't know who Pierce is. "Reef. I slept with Reef." Tears leak out of my eyes and course down my cheeks to drip on my chest. She finally realizes I'm in the same dress I was in the night before.

"Reef?" Willa sounds just as confused as I am. "Okay, okay. Let's just sit and talk about what happened." She takes me by the shoulders and leads me to the gazebo that sits in our backyard. Both of us take seats on the white bench that rings the round floor.

" slept with Reef?" I nod. I can't say it again. "And you think Reef and I...that we are a thing." My chin trembles as more tears come.

"Reef isn't my boyfriend - he's my roommate." What now? "Nothing else. He's like a brother to me. Eww, just thinking about me and him is...just eww." A full-body convulsion works its way down her.

I quickly wipe tears away from my cheeks. "I...I thought...he was...,"

My heart starts to beat fast as I start to realize this means nothing is keeping me and Reef from being together. Nothing except the fact I ran out on him this morning. I wipe the tears from my cheeks and from under my eyes. For the first time since I meet Reef something like hope takes wing inside of my chest.

“So you and he have never been…”

“Oh god no!” Before she can say anything else a shirtless Reef comes running up to us.

“Teddy. Why did you leave? Are you alright?”

“Why are you shirtless?!” Now I sound like Willa did when she thought I was sleeping with her real boyfriend.

“I woke up and you weren’t there.” He pulls out a t-shirt from his back pocket and pulls it over his head. “Of course I’m going to come fucking look for you when I wake up and you’re not with me.”

“I’m going to let you guys talk for a while. Besides, I think if I don’t start heading back a shirtless Reef will be the least shocking thing you see today.” She grabs me by the shoulders and hugs me hard. “Call me if you need me. Love you, Teddy Bear.”

I notice Reef narrows his eyes at her when she calls me Teddy Bear. Does he think it’s a stupid nickname? Before I can go on Reef has me in his arms. “I’m fine with your sisters calling you Teddy Bear but I’m not crazy about the men calling you Teddy Bear.”
