Page 9 of Something Borrowed

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Chapter Six



I stand and watch as Teddy finds her place in the bridal line and holds up the cardboard cutout that is supposed to represent the flowers she’ll be holding. Damn she looks good standing up there at the altar. So good in fact that all I can think about is being the man she is walking down the aisle to. While the sisters are going over where everyone is supposed to be for Sunday’s wedding I’ve been on the phone with one of the guys who drop by the shop quite a bit so I can set some things in motion for me and Teddy.

I didn’t lie to her about what happened last night. I didn’t do anything she would have any reason to regret but she did wake up naked this morning. I was a good boy not a fucking saint and I had to get a look at my future last night even if I couldn’t touch - well, other than to cuddle up next to. There was a lot of fucking cuddling going on in that room.

Everyone takes a break so Ford can sneak away with Payton for a quickie in his patrol car. Damn I love this island. The more I stay here the more I think this might be home. It wouldn’t be right to try to take Teddy away from this world and drop her into the city. That wouldn’t be right at all. While some blue-haired guy is talking to Charlie and Peirce is distracting Willa I make my way over to my woman.

“Hey.” I wrap her in my arms and there is no deceit or coyness in her when she leans into my touch so everyone in the room can see us. Her father has even picked up on the fact I’m coming for his little girl, and will soon be cumming for her as well. “You want to take a break.”

“Oh God yes. I mean…I didn’t…I’m not good at this whole church thing.” I take her by the hand and pull her into a room I’ve already staked out for the sole purpose of making out heavy with my Teddy Bear and there’s nothing cute and kiddy about that name when I say it.

“So tell me…where would you get married if you did?”

“Oh, there’s this cliff on the west side of the island where the sunsets are gorgeous and it has a whole big myth associated with it about the first lady who ever moved to the island when just one man owned it all.”

“Yeah? Why don’t you tell me about it?” I start kissing down her neck as she tells me more about the island.

“Oh, um, okay. Supposedly she married a man she had never even met so her sister wouldn’t have to. She basically sacrificed her happiness for her sister’s because she was in love with another man. So the sister’s lied and the wrong sister married the man who owned the island while the other sister married the man she loved.”

I pull back a little bit, “I’m not seeing how this is a good thing, Teddy.”

“Oh, well, in the end she falls in love with the man and he falls in love with her. He ended up naming the island after the sisters and moving the other sister and her husband to the island so the two sisters wouldn’t have to be apart from one another.” She sighs. “It’s the sweetest thing ever. And that spot is supposed to be where they married one another. It’s said that if you marry there you’ll never be sorry and you’ll always be blessed.”

Well now I know exactly where I’m taking her to propose. I can totally get behind this guy giving his girl whatever she might want. God knows I’m already thinking about how hard it would be to move my business here so I can keep Teddy close to her mom and dad and sisters. My mouth finds hers and just like that my mind empties of all other thoughts other than her sweet lips and shy tongue. Yeah, she’s got me totally wrapped around her finger and she doesn’t even know it.

As the kiss gets deeper and hotter there’s nothing I can do this time to slow us down. I'm gone. All that matters is getting this girl naked so she can be mine. “Let’s go back to my room so we can do this in a place that has locks on the door, baby. I’d hate to have to kill a clergyman. That’s probably a one-way ticket to hell for sure.”

She laughs and gives me a happy nod of her head. It’s all the consent I need as I have her slipped out the back door of the church and both of us make our way down the road to my room at the inn once more.

Once we’re in the room and the lock is firmly latched I waste no time yanking the dress she's in up over her head leaving her in nothing but lace. Fuck, I'm not sure how a bra made out of nothing but lace could hold that much curve in but it's doing a damn fine job. Too fine of a job since I want at what's underneath.

Unwrapping Teddy is like unwrapping a birthday gift or Christmas present. It needs to be done slowly so the anticipation is drawn out and the goodie beneath the wrapping is laid bare. With that in mind, I find the clasp on her bra and pop it open but don't pull it off her yet. Her hands come up to cover the loose cups to her tits. I realize she's doing it because she's shy but I swear to God in my head all I can see is her teasing me by prolonging the big reveal. Maybe there was something in that smoke they were fanning out at church. Or maybe I'm just intoxicated on Teddy. Maybe she's just gone straight to my head...and my heart. Either way, I’m not looking to break the addiction any time soon. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so good in my life, so free, so alive.

I take her wrists in my hand and look into her eyes. "Can I see?"

I wait for her to answer me. I will back off if she needs me to. We'll go as fast or as slow as we need to so Teddy will feel comfortable with me. It will kill me and my dick may fall off but that's just something I'm going to have to handle if she tells me to slow down. She stares at me for a long moment before moving her hands and gifting me with her trust. I maneuver us so that her hands are holding mine now and kiss her, soft and sweet.

Once I take her mind off being shy, I work her bra down off her shoulders and bare her to me. I run my hands up over her ribs until I can cup her breasts with both of my hands. She lets out a cute as fuck squeal that's muffled by my mouth. I can't fight the smile that spreads across my face.

She eventually loosens up and moans in my mouth giving me the green light to go a little further. She's already opened her legs for me, allowing me in. She might not be aware of how much she trusts me yet, but her body knows I would never hurt her. I kiss her neck and down to her chest where her blush is spread along the tops of her breasts. Then I lick around her areola watching it crinkle and her nipples harden even more when I do.

Her hips jump off the bed and into me. Oh yeah, her body is definitely feeling me right now and I know it’s not the alcohol talking. It wants the same thing I do. Now I just have to make her heart feel the same way.

I suck on her nipples for a few seconds before I'm skimming my lips down over her tummy and the swell of her hips. I take the side of her panties down with my teeth as I bring my hands up to massage her tits and listen to her moans and gasps. Hearing her say my name in that breathy sexy as fuck voice makes me feel like a goddamn king. I could rule the fucking world as long as I got to hear her moan for me every night...and day.

I rear up and thread her panties in between my fingers so I can pull at both sides at the same time completely out of patience from doing it with my teeth. The lace is no match for my lust and gives easily. I can tell I shocked Teddy by the stunned look on her face but damn it, a man can only take so much before he has to feast on the main course. And her pussy is main course worthy.

I run my fingers down over her bare mound to the cleft of her lips and take my time staring at the last pussy I will ever see in my life. The only pussy I ever want to look at. Last night when I had her bare before me I damn near cried at the sight that met my eyes and today is no different. She’s beautiful. She tries to close her legs and wiggle her hips under my stare but I can't let her close this off to me. I can't let her take this treasure away. My eyes flick up to hers where so many questions and concerns linger in her eyes. I want to take those away and leave only the need for me there.

"You have the prettiest pussy I have ever seen, Theodora." Her cheeks turn pink and I follow the flush as it travels down to the tops of her breasts. "I bet it tastes even better."

She gasps in a deep breath at my words. There is no way I'm not going to be eating that pussy right now, even if it takes me all afternoon to talk her into it. We might not go all the way but I have to have my taste. " want to...?"

"Fuck yes!" she doesn't have to say it for me to do it. "You want me to too, don't you?"
