Page 12 of Something Blue

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On my finger is a ring with a blue stone in the middle surrounded by little stones that catch the light off of it and bounce it around until the thing almost blinds me again. I sit up and catch myself before I get too far. My muscles ache and I feel like I’ve gone through hours of Barre classes. The ones that Payton loves so much and kicks my ass so hard. Who needs Barre when you have Bastian?

He catches me sitting up in bed just staring down at the ring on my finger as I try to make everything make sense. I don't even know how long he's been standing there watching me. He's leaning against the doorframe with a crooked smile on his face and his hair all tousled. I'm pretty sure I'm the reason it's like that.

We stay just like that for minutes that feel like hours as I try to make sense out of everything, "Your bath's getting cold."

"My bath?"

"Hmm," he nods for me, "you have about an hour before you have to be at the restaurant."

"Oh my God!" How could I forget? How could I almost let my sister down like this? What the hell does this ring mean?

He's on me too fast for me to move off the bed. He leans me back and kisses me into submission. When he pulls back and my thoughts aren't filled with how good all of this is I realize our hands are entwined together. He looks at the ring turning my hand over so he can look at the stone laying there on my third finger.

"I...I don't...,"

He stops me. "I told you this was an all-in thing. I'm not asking. You've already said yes as far as I'm concerned."


"You're going to marry me, Charlene James. You're going to come live with me and make me a happy man for the rest of my life and me and you are going to be the happiest couple on this island."

"You want me to marry you?"

"You said yes." I feel like I'm still dreaming but this time I don't want to wake up ever.

"I said I wanted you,..." I stop short before I can say the words make love.

"You said you love me and I heard you, babydoll. I'm not letting you take it back or try to make this less than it is."

So many things float through my head. "I...what about my sister?"

"We can wait until she has her wedding before we say anything about another wedding but I want the world to know you're mine."

"'re alright with...," Is he really telling me he'll be alright waiting?

He chuckles, "I told you that night in the bar, babydoll. When I take on responsibility for you I do it for all that you care about. I understand how much you love your sister. I want to marry you today - right now - but I'm willing to wait and do it when it's right."

I hug him tight to me and pepper his face with kisses. How did I get lucky enough to find this man and make him mine? How did I ever live without him before?
