Page 14 of Something Old

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Chapter Eight



It takes us forty-eight hours and a lot of fucking help to make this wedding happen, but it is happening. My angel is standing by my side in her beautiful white dress dripping in diamonds. I spared no expense to make sure my angel had her dream wedding. She was holding a whole armful of pink daisies with glitter surrounding them and pearls set in the center of little pink roses throughout before she handed them off to take my hands.

As soon as she came into view my heart nearly burst. She's the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. And now she's mine! I try to stay focused on what the preacher is saying about eternal love but I swear I get lost in her eyes. Those golden orbs dance with happiness...and mischief. She knows what she does to me with her innocent little golden curls and soft eyes that promise me a night of endless pleasure.

It doesn't take me very long after the ceremony to sweet talk my new bride somewhere private where the two of us can celebrate in our own way. We have our first dance as man and wife and I look on as she takes her dance with her daddy. Then all the girls take the dance floor while the five of us watch from the sidelines. I don't know if it's this island or these women, but the air is heavy with magic and music.

When I take her back in my arms, it’s to lead her outside in the cooling night air. The scent of flowers hangs around us and the sound of the waves breaking along the shore greets us. I walk her to the little gazebo out on the bluff. The sky cooperated with us and gave us a beautiful night to go along with our perfect day. Stars litter the sky by the thousands and even the moon has come out to grin at us - or at least that is what the waxing moon looks like it is doing for us.

I kiss her mouth and whisper promises that I fully intend to follow through on as I lay her back on the gazebo floor. She giggles and holds me closer to her. I kiss down to her belly where our small miracle is growing. This woman not only gave me a life again, but she also brought me a family, friends, and a community that feels the same way I do. It's amazing. Willa brought me home!

I slowly slip inside of her once I take her panties down and shove them in my pocket. She changed out of the big white wedding dress and went with a flowy white sundress that goes down to her knees. She looks just as sexy, no matter what she wears...and I've told her as much, but this dress makes it easy for me to flip up and get at what I need.

Once I'm inside of her my world seems to right itself and everything goes quiet except the sound of our beating hearts. I realize how corny it sounds but I swear it feels like they are beating to the same rhythm. The sound of her soft moans and sighs is the only noise in the night and they are eaten up by my hungry kisses. We wrap each other up with arms and legs as I start to move in and out of her. I tilt her hips and sink into my thrusts so I hit her sweet spot with every stroke.

"Oh my God, Peirce! I'm so close." I kiss the desperate whisper from her lips.

"Me too. Just let go for me, angel. Just let go and cum for me."

And she does. Her muscles take long pulls on my cock like her pussy is trying to suck everything I have to give her out. It's too much to try to fight so I give in with her, both of us moaning through the kiss we seal our orgasms with.

It's long moments afterward when I am just laying in the moonlight holding her that she finally stirs.

"Do you think they were as happy as we are?"

I know exactly who she is talking about. It makes me pause and think about my answer knowing how important it is, "I think if he loved her even half as much as I love you then both of them were blissfully so."

I know I couldn't be any happier knowing we have our own legend starting right here, right now...together.
