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Carrie blinked her big blue eyes up at him. “Will they?”

“At least a little longer.” He lifted her in his arms and carried her against his chest through their house.

Carrie missed Juanita, but other than that, she thought of her life in London as a closed chapter.

Here, on Sol Sobre Del Mar, she was home. With the man she loved, on an island that spoke to her, she was amongst flowers, bees, birds, waves, sunshine and everything that made her happiest in life.

“You know, this will be a wonderful place to raise our family,” she said thoughtfully, as he laid her gently down on their bed.

His heart turned over at the very idea. “When you are ready, princesa, that will please me greatly.”

She smiled. “I think we should start trying right away.”

“Before the wedding?” He said, genuine surprise in his voice.

She nodded. “I’ve already thought of that. Let’s get married here. In a month. Just your mother and Antonio, Juanita and Tom.”

“And Alexandra?”

Carrie’s lips tightened, as they always did when she thought of her mother. Though their relationship had improved, it was still far from perfect. “Perhaps. We’ll invite her. I daresay she’ll refuse to come.”

“Is this really what you want for your wedding?”

“I want to be Mrs Gael Vivas. I don’t care how or where. Just that it happens.”

Pride ran through him, a rich current of pleasure and gratification. “Fine. A month from today, here on the island.”

“And your mother will cook an enormous paella for our guests.”

“Yes,” he laughed. “Your favourite.”

And so it happened that four weeks after accepting Gael’s proposal, Carrie stood before their dearest friends and family and pledged to spend the rest of her life with him. It was a formality. Anyone who had spent time with the pair had understood that promise and commitment shrouded them totally.

And yet saying it in front of their loved ones brought a sacred bond into being. The sun was shining high over the island, the beach was the background to their vows, and abundant arrangements of wild roses adorned every surface.

They danced afterwards, aware only of how perfect it felt to be together, in one another’s arms.

And finally, at the end of the day, when they were alone again, Carrie sang for Gael. It was the same song she’d sung that night, nine years earlier in the rose garden.

His heart thumped heavily in his chest, as past and present wove around him, to create the perfect future with the one woman he had ever loved.

She was his, forever more.

