Page 7 of Moving Target

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Sufficiently chastised by Fiona’s words, Maria backpedaled. “I know. He’s just a little too shameless for my tastes.”

“He is a big personality,” Fiona said, appearing to let it go.

The rest of the evening was spent eating, laughing, and watching a ridiculous Monty Python movie. When Maria left, her belly was stuffed full, and her jaw ached from laughing so hard. Later, lying alone in bed in her sparse apartment with nothing but the television to keep her company, her thoughts drifted to a certain sexy drummer she’d soon be tasked with protecting.


“Come home with me,” Teagan said, holding a beer out to her like it was a peace offering.

“Absolutely not,” Maria snapped, snatching the beer from his hand and taking a long drink.

“Why not? I’ll make it worth your while. Promise,” he said, crossing his heart with his index finger.

“Wipe that cocky grin off your face. I’m never going to sleep with you.”

“Never say never, love.”

Maria rolled her eyes so hard, she thought they might get stuck in the back of her head. “You are not as irresistible as you think you are.” Well, that isn’t entirely true.

Teagan fake gasped. “You wound me, woman.”

Maria couldn’t help herself and burst out laughing.

Teagan’s face softened. “You’re beautiful,” he said, suddenly sounding dead serious.

Maria blinked and swallowed hard. “Bet you say that to all the ladies.”

“No, I really don’t.”

His deep blue eyes caught her gaze and held it. Tilting his head, he brushed his thumb ever so gently along her cheek. She shivered at his touch, unable to drag herself out of reach.

The tension broke when Violet barreled into Teagan, wrapping her chubby arms around one of his legs. A big, fluffy golden retriever followed hot on her heels.

“Oof,” Teagan said, laughing and swinging the little girl up into his arms.

“Play fetch, Uncle Tee,” Violet demanded, shoving a slobbery looking ball in his face.

“Your wish is my command, Little Princess,” Teagan said, flipping Violet upside down and holding her by her ankles. She laughed like a hyena as the dog licked her face.

Maria watched the exchange with a feeling of uncomfortable longing. She took a step back.

“We’re not finished,” he said, catching her eye.

“Yeah, we are,” she answered softly, walking away before he could respond.

The band’s going-away bash was in full swing. Jake and Fiona’s yard had been transformed into party central with a stage set up in the back corner and a giant blow-up bouncy castle a few yards away. A catered buffet and open bar fed and watered the crowd, and a DJ kept the tunes coming while the band mingled. People laughed and danced, kids and adults alike. Everyone looked forward to Jake and Fiona’s celebratory events. Whether it was for New Year’s Eve, Fourth of July, or a tour launch, those two knew how to throw a party.

Jake stood by the bar with Cam, chatting animatedly about something. As Maria strolled over, she watched Jake scan the crowd, lay eyes on his wife, and nod to the perimeter security team, all while keeping up his end of the conversation. The guy might look like a hot surfer, with his shaggy blond hair and day-old scruff, but he was an operator first and foremost.

Cam held his sleeping son in a carrier strapped to his broad chest. He patted the baby’s bottom with one hand and gripped a beer with the other.

Jake greeted Maria with a fist bump and a grin. “Having fun?” he asked.


The three clinked their beers and made small talk. As she chatted it up with the guys and shook off Teagan’s attempt at flirtatious seduction, her racing pulse finally returned to normal.

No matter how attractive she found him, a man like Teagan Tate was not for her. She knew the type. He’d chew her up, spit her out, and never think twice about her again. Been there, done that, and had the broken heart to prove it.

Anyway, soon he’d be her client, and mucking up their professional relationship with sex was a terrible idea, one that could likely get her fired. She wasn’t willing to embarrass herself like that, or risk her career, so Teagan Tate was going to remain strictly in the no-fly zone.
