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The Day He Left…

“What is with you and that phone today?” Layna asked, shaking her head at Louana as they sat on the padded floor in the gym, their gym clothes damp with sweat that had soaked their dark hair as well, leaving them exhausted still even after the rest of the class had recovered and filed out.

They’d been a bit over their heads, going up against more experienced and mostly male classmates in intense sparring battles.

But if there was ever a challenge, Layna and Louana were never ones to shy away from it.

“What? Nothing,” Louana had insisted, flipping it facedown. As if that would stop the urge to check it once again.

“Oh, bullshit. I saw you pull it out and check it when that Bear guy had you pinned to the ground,” Layna insisted.

Louana couldn’t deny that.

She’d done it.

In fact, she’d checked her phone so chronically since the night before that she’d almost drained the battery already.

There was no denying the lump in her stomach, something heavy and insisting she acknowledge it while she did her best to just try to make excuses for it.

Her current favorite was that it was there because she skipped breakfast before the gym.

Without letting herself admit the reason that she’d skipped breakfast in the first place.

He hadn’t called.

He hadn’t texted.

It had been complete radio silence for almost a full day.

A part of her wanted to scoff at that, at how needy and pathetic that was of her. Especially because she hated to think of herself as needy or pathetic when it came to the opposite sex. She’d been raised better than that, hadn’t she?

Never love a man more than you love yourself.

Those had been the sage words of Lo during one of the all-girls self-defense classes. It had been something she’d said before launching into a speech about that was how so many women ended up broken down from breakups or even possibly abused. Because they hadn’t been given the tools to learn to love themselves, to put themselves first, to never accept anything less than what they truly deserved from partners.

The problem was, Lo hadn’t said those words until it was too late.

She already did.

She loved him.

She even loved him more than she loved herself.

His joy was her joy. His pain was her pain.

And his silence?

It was the most deafening noise.

That pit in her stomach was growing by each passing moment without word from him.

She’d even caved right before class and texted him first. As much as she hated to seem that needy.

It was just… he always texted her. All day. All night. They hardly went an hour without some sort of exchange when they weren’t together.

A part of her, as sick as it was, was almost hoping that he had, like, broken his hand or something. Because that she could understand.
