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So with a sigh, I told him, “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. The way Kimberly acted at the game today just…reallygot to me.”

“So then I’m gonna ask you again. Do you want me to talk to her?”

Nodding, I answered, “Yes, I would like that very much, Kendall. Thank you.”

“Yeah, you’re welcome,” he replied as we settled in for the rest of the ride to his house. And I honestly thought things were going to stay quiet between us the entire way until Kendall randomly looked over at me and said, “I love it when you wear your hair like that.”

“I know you do,” I replied, grinning a little as I admitted, “That’s why I wore it this way.”

“Just for me?”

“Just for you,” I confirmed, toying with stray hairs of my top knot as I told him, “But Ididget a bomb ass selfie out of it too.”

Smirking, Kendall requested, “Lemme see.”

“Not while you’re driving,” I giggled, pulling up the picture on my phone and then waiting until he was at a red light to show him. But his reactionwas… not what I’d expected, the way his eyes kept bouncing back and forth between me and the screen making me anxious enough to ask, “What?”

“You look beautiful, but I feel like the picture is missing somethin’,” he said, his eyes tightening to a squint like he was really thinking hard about it. But it was only a few seconds later when a light bulb went off in his head that had him reaching to unlatch the KD2 chain hanging from his neck before he handed it to me saying, “Here. Put this on.”

While he pulled off in response to the traffic light turning green, I made myself busy getting his chain around my neck, the weight of it feeling heavy against my sternum as I used my front camera to check myself out and instantly fell in love with what I saw.

“Wow. Is this what Kanye felt like when he finally got his Roc-A-Fella chain?”

“Nah, cause Kanye ain’t have to give his shit back,” Kendall chuckled, making me laugh too as I used my clip-on ring light to snap a few pictures of myself in his front seat. And I had to admit, they were even more fire than the selfies I’d taken earlier. But I was more interested in seeing what Kendall had to say, waiting until we were safely in the driveway before I turned my phone his way and asked, “What you think?”

The way his eyelids immediately lowered and his dimples popped just slightly told me everything I needed to know, long before he answered, “Ithinkyour fine ass needs to send me one of those so I can update my wallpaper.

“AndIthink you need to get in one with me,” I replied, finding it funny when I told him, “We only have like two pictures together.”

As someone who made a living off of pictures, the fact that Kendall and I basically had none as a couple was actually kind of wild. So I was glad when he was a good sport about rectifying that, leaning across the center console for a series of selfies that got a little heated once Kendall called himself nibbling on my chin.

“You better quit,” I groaned, which only made him do the exact opposite as he dragged his lips down to my neck. And for whatever reason, watching it all happen on the screen in front of me only made it that much hotter, my head tilting to both give him better access and improve the view that almost had me ready to change the setting to movie mode until Anastasia popped up in front of her brother’s truck singing,“Oooh. Y’all nastyyyy.”

Chuckling against my skin, Kendall pulled away and asked, “Ay, did you ever find out who took that first picture of us together back at your house?”

“I did not,” I answered. “But I also really didn’t try that hard after I realized I liked you.”

It was the truth. But I wished I would’ve kept it to myself once I saw the arrogant smirk on Kendall’s lips when he responded, “Come on now, Shakira. You knew you liked me well before that picture was ever even shared.”

“But I couldn’tall the waylike you until I knew you were at least interested in me too,” I told him as I climbed out of his truck, Kendall doing the same and then waiting for me to join him so that he could ask, “You really couldn’t tell I was into you at your party?”

“I mean, sort of,” I replied as I followed him into his house. “But it wasn’t like you reached out to me after the fact, so I couldn’t be too sure.”

“That’s only cause training camp was getting ready to start,” he explained. “I had a one-track mind.”

“And then what happened?”

Like the memory was now a fond one, Kendall grinned as he stopped in the kitchen so that he could pull me into a low hug and answer, “Then that picture of us got shared, and the universe told me to make room.”

“Shoutout to God and the stars,” I replied with a smile that Kendall pecked once,then twice, and then a third time for just a second longer. And he was getting ready to go for a fourth until Kimberly interrupted, “Where are we going for dinner? I’m starving.”

Sensing Kendall’s immediate irritation, I sat my bag down and offered, “If y’all want, I could cook somethin’.”



“Absolutely not.”
