Page 104 of Not Quite Roommates

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Jonah breathed easierwhen Claire brought Lacy back and swapped places with her. Claire took the seat next to Logan and Lacy took Claire’s seat next to him. Lacy sat quietly with a napkin, slowly tearing it into tiny pieces. She didn’t seem out of it now, at least.

The pitchers of alcohol were farther away and a glass of water sat in front of Lacy.

When he shifted his leg toward hers, she moved out of the way. She still wouldn’t look at him. He should leave it alone. It should be better this way.

But he wanted to still be Lacy’s friend. Even if it shredded his heart like her napkin.

“I’ve got to go if I’m going to make it to Grams before ten.” Emily stood, gathering her stuff. “Anyone want a ride?”

Lacy started to raise her hand, but Jonah captured it before she had it high enough for Emily to see. Lacy stared at his fingers wrapped around hers. She’d had way too much to drink tonight.

“Can you drop Claire and me off at Fire?” Logan spoke up.

“Yeah, sure, it’s on the way to the bridge.” Emily shrugged. “Anyone else?”

“I’ve got an early morning. We’ll Uber it.” Jonah nudged Lacy’s shoulder to bring her eyes up from their hands.

“I’m up for Fire.” Phoebe grabbed her purse and downed the rest of her margarita. She eyed Lacy. “You want to go dancing, wild child?”

Lacy’s eyes were huge as they danced around trying to follow Phoebe, even though Phoebe stood still. “I’m good.”

“Hit me up if you want to catch the game on Sunday, Lace.” Logan leaned across the table and held his fist out to Lacy.

She stared at it like he had handed her something rare and unique. She grabbed his fist and shook it.

“Better text her that one.” Claire chuckled. Her eyes met Jonah’s. “Take care of our little lightweight. Hopefully she won’t be worshipping the porcelain gods tonight.”

Jonah nodded and finished ordering the car on his phone as everyone said their goodnights.

Lacy sighed. “Guess you’re stuck with me.”

“Not stuck.” He slid his phone into his pocket and stood, bringing her upright with him.

He held an arm around her waist to get her out to the curb. She didn’t snuggle into him like before, just wrapped her arms around herself and stared into the distance.

He was an ass. Everything in him warned him to stay away. She wasn’t the girl for him, but he couldn’t seem to help himself. Even now, he just wanted to wrap his arms around her and hold her tight against him. But he wouldn’t be that kind of ass.

Sending mix messages would only hurt Lacy more.

Fortunately, the car was close.

When they took off, Lacy picked at her skirt. Images of her in the kitchen with that skirt, her mischievous smile, and no panties had him hard in an instant. Add in her peaches and cream scent surrounding him in the back seat and he wasn’t sure he could resist tasting those decadent lips.

He needed to leave. Tomorrow morning wasn’t soon enough.

“Are you going to be with someone in L.A.?” Her voice was so soft he almost didn’t hear her.


She lifted her dark eyes to his and he forgot how to breathe.

“Are you going to fuck someone in L.A.?” She winced at using the word fuck. “Is that why you broke things off?”

Her words were harsh like she’d been chewing on them all night and couldn’t help but spit the bitterness out.

“No.” He wouldn’t lie to her. He couldn’t. He might not be able to tell her about his stupid feelings, but he wouldn’t lie to her face. Not even if it would be easier for her.
