Page 21 of Not Quite Roommates

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Jonah didn’t dare react.No smiling or laughing. Lacy was serious about this, and he’d take her seriously. First thing. “Candy’s not my girlfriend.”

“Oh.” She looked down at her hands again. She’d been nervous since they left the office, so he’d waited to let her bring up Logan.

Sexy, cool, experienced. Jonah leaned back in his chair. She’d chosen those words intentionally, but what did they mean to her? He wouldn’t disagree with her about her not being Logan’s type. From today, he could tell Logan was shallow when it came to the women he dated. Jonah had talked to him a little in the breakroom when it was just the two of them and Logan had talked about the best spots to find a hookup.

No one in their right mind would think of Lacy as hookup material. She wore kitten pajamas, and from what he’d observed over the weekend, watched teenage chick flicks. He wanted to rile up her inner fierce little bird, but he also knew it’d been a long day for both of them.

For work, Jonah had to put on a show. Prove he could be a part of the team. Lacy had been giving him confused looks all day because of it.

He’d also seen the looks she gave Logan when Logan wasn’t looking at her. Hopeful, soft looks which had made Jonah want to punch someone though he didn’t understand why.

“Logan is an ass.” The words slipped out before he could think.

Lacy lifted her gaze to him, those brown eyes of hers questioning. “You barely know him. He’s actually a pretty nice guy.”

Jonah grunted. He knew plenty of guys like Logan, but he’d give him the benefit of doubt since Lacy seemed to like him. He wondered why she thought she wasn’t sexy. Even in her pajamas with her hair tangled over her eyes, she’d had a weird mixture of innocence and sexy going on that Jonah wasn’t one hundred percent immune to.

He wasn’t immune to her at all, which frustrated him on a whole other level. And now they’d be together all day and in the evenings and the mornings for the foreseeable future. He wondered if this job would be worth staying in one place.

The buzzer for the apartment rang, and Jonah moved to let the pizza delivery up. Lacy continued to stew on the couch while Jonah got the pizza and took it over to the table.

“Are you going to join me?” Jonah grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses from the kitchen. He sat at the table and kicked out the chair next to him.

Lacy sighed and crossed over to drop into the kitchen chair. He handed her a glass of wine and she immediately drank half of it. He tried not to smile, but knew he’d failed when she glanced over at him and her eyes widened.

He slid a plate in front of her and opened the pizza box. She grabbed a slice. He took a couple of slices and closed the box. Like the weird little bird she was, Lacy picked off the veggies and ate them one by one, before she finally lifted the remains of her pizza to take a bite, by the time he’d finished his first piece.

“Can we not talk about Logan anymore? It’s a crush and it’s so embarrassing.” She tore up the crust on her plate into little bird bites. She put her bare foot onto the edge of the chair seat and reached around her knee for her wine.

He nodded but didn’t offer a topic. She let out a breath and straightened a little. Was she relieved he let it drop?

“You’re weird at work.” She tilted her head at him like he was an abstract painting she couldn’t understand.

He raised an eyebrow at her. She was one to talk about someone being weird.

She munched on a piece of crust. A little glint lit her eyes. “You talked. Sometimes without being asked something and absolutely no grunting. And the smiles. . . all those smiles, I swear I thought you’d turned into the Joker. I was worried you’d been taken over by aliens or something.”

“Aliens?” He tried to keep a straight face, but he knew she noted the tug at the corner of his lips.

“Or something.” She leaned forward, getting close to his face and searched his eyes. “You sure you’re not actually Jekyll and Hyde? I mean, it would explain so much.”

He filled her wine glass again. “Maybe.”

A grin lit up her face. “See that’s what I’m talking about. You’re grumpy and growly. Not nice and helpful.”

“Want to ride together tomorrow?” He took another slice of pizza.

She flushed pink as she drank more. “Well, we are living together and you did pay for my dinner so. . . .”

He held up the bottle of wine to offer her more, but she shook her head.

“What was L.A. like?”

He didn’t answer, but she kept going, “Do you know any actors? Did you date any? Did you travel like Sophie does? Did you even have an apartment there?” The questions rattled out of Lacy and she didn’t wait for him to answer. Maybe she just didn’t expect him to answer.

He leaned back in his chair, stretching his leg out until it rested near her one foot on the ground. She kept throwing out questions and he just watched her. He didn’t know about her experience or even what she thought cool meant, but sexy. . . .
