Page 44 of Not Quite Roommates

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Her pink tongue flicked out and licked the salt. She would be the death of him.


They took the shots together. Her face scrunched up at the taste and she shook her hands in the air.

He held out the lime to her. “Suck.”

She didn’t even take the lime but grabbed his hand, brought it to her lips, and bit into the lime. Her gaze flew up to his as he sucked his own lime. A shudder coursed through her body. Her hands held his with her lips wrapped around the lime and her eyes looking up at him. It didn’t take much for his mind to slip into the gutter. His cock hardened, but he ignored it.

She released his hand and he put the used limes down. “Now what?”

“You should be loose enough to dance soon.” Jonah steered her to where Logan and Claire danced.

Lacy’s smile was a little looser as they carved out a space on the dance floor. Claire shimmied forward and grabbed Lacy’s hips to get her moving. Lacy laughed. Before long, Lacy found a rhythm and danced on her own. The music changed slightly.

A group of people danced across the dance floor, separating Claire and Logan from Jonah and Lacy. Lacy seemed oblivious as she continued to move with her eyes closed.

Jonah pulled Lacy away by her hips to stop her from getting trampled. She backed up into him, but still kept swaying her hips against him. He couldn’t help the erection she stirred more with her movements. Hoping she wouldn’t notice, he wrapped an arm around her waist and drew her farther away until they found an open area again.

He released her and she turned to look up at him. Lips parted. Eyes wide, dark and bottomless. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. What he wouldn’t do to kiss those lips. Lick them, taste them, suck them. He could spend an hour doing nothing but kiss Lacy.

* * *

Lacy’swhole body pulsed in time with the music, and when Jonah had pulled her against him, her skin had gotten tight and needy. She didn’t need to be a sexual expert to notice the hardness he packed in his jeans. Especially when it had been pressed into her bottom.

She wanted him. It should have startled her to realize that, especially when Logan danced a few feet away, but it didn’t.

Jonah’s eyes were hungry as he returned her look. She wanted to kiss him. Maybe it was the tequila talking, but damn, she wanted his lips on hers. She lifted her hand to touch his lips, and he grabbed her hand before she could touch them. He gave a little warning growl that rumbled through her chest more than she heard it. She stepped forward to close the space between them.

“There you guys are,” Logan yelled over the music. “Should we get another drink? The dance floor has gotten crowded.”

Lacy didn’t look away from Jonah. His thumb grazed her wrist in his hand, sending tingles rippling down her spine. His gaze held hers for a heated second.

“Lead the way,” Jonah finally said. He squeezed her hand before linking their fingers together.

They followed Claire and Logan to the bar. Lacy stumbled a little as they stopped behind Logan and Claire. Jonah settled her against him again. She rested into his warmth as she watched the bartender make their drinks.

So much stimuli surrounded her. Lights. Music. People were everywhere. But right here, as she leaned against Jonah, a calm settled over her. She wanted to sink into his warmth and stay there forever. Safe. She glanced at Logan. She really should have protested the earlier shot more because it messed with her brain.

Logan turned with another margarita and handed it to her. His eyebrow cocked up at her and Jonah. She should care, right? She held his eye contact though and smiled. Because that was flirting. Beth would be proud.

“Thank you.” Lacy took the strawberry margarita and licked the sugar on the rim before drinking some.

“Why don’t we find a table to nurse these drinks before Claire decides her favorite song is on again?” Logan reached out his hand to Lacy. Her eyebrows shot up. That was new.

She stepped away from Jonah’s warmth and slid her hand into Logan’s, letting him lead her to the same booth. Her eyes were drawn to Jonah who gave her a supportive smile.

Logan’s hand was cold from the drinks. She should be feeling something more. Like the rush she got when Jonah touched her, but instead she kind of felt something settle in her chest. Not fireworks, just something like she’d feel for a guy in grade school who held her hand. Must be the tequila.

He helped her into the booth and then scooted in on her side. Unlike Jonah, Logan’s thigh didn’t settle next to hers. Ah, Logan wasn’t a booth hog. But still, progress! Well, damn, she wanted to take a picture and send it to Beth. She’d caption it with, “see it worked.”

Jonah and Claire sat across from them. Jonah sat directly across from Lacy. His legs went on either side of hers under the table, so his calves brushed against hers. Booth hog. A pulse of heat flowed through her from the contact. Jonah flashed her a smile and her face flushed. He knew what he did to her. Did everyone?

Lacy took a drink to avoid looking at him. She glanced over at Claire and Logan to see if they’d noticed but they seemed content to drink.

“How about a game?” Claire set down her drink.

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