Page 55 of Not Quite Roommates

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“You want to fuck me?” She managed not to wince at the curse word and not to look away. See, she could be mature.

His lips lifted on one side. “Always.”

Panty melting. The coffee wasn’t the only thing making her hot. “What about work and living together?”

“Convenient.” He shrugged.

She couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips. “I’m just convenient?”

“The situation is convenient, but I’d want to fuck you even if we didn’t live together or work together.” Jonah’s blue eyes held her entranced. His words made her feel drunk. Her insides were already swirling. If what happened last night was any indication, she wanted to go forward with this. Explore her lack of sexuality with Jonah. He made her feel safe.

“So what’s there to discuss?” She cocked an eyebrow at him and sipped her coffee.

“What do you want?” His hand settled above her knee at the hem of her skirt. “Sex no strings yes, but. . . .”

Holy crap. Sex no strings. She never thought she’d be someone who could do that, but then she’d met Jonah. She sipped at her coffee, trying to look thoughtful and not panicked. She could do this. Have a talk about sex. “But?”

“What limits do you want to have in place? Time? What do you want to explore?” Jonah’s hand moved up her thigh slightly.

She inhaled a quick breath and would have pressed her thighs together against the ache, but Jonah’s body blocked her. “Should we set a time limit?”

“It can be helpful. That way we both know when it will be over.”

Her heart dropped at theoverpart. It hadn’t even begun and he was saying it would be over. But of course that was how no stings attached worked. “How long do these things normally go?”

Jonah chuckled and his thumb soothed the skin of her inner thigh. “Days, weeks, depends on the participants.”

She nodded like she knew what he was talking about. She didn’t want to make him commit to longer if he decided she wasn’t worth the trouble.

“Can we circle back to that one? I mean what if either of us decides it just isn’t going to work out. What if it’s not good?” She ducked her head, not wanting to see his expression.

His coffee cup hit the counter with a thud and his fingers tipped her chin up until she looked in his eyes.

“Itwillbe good.”

“You can’t know that,” she whispered.

He took her coffee cup from her and set it down, before taking her chin in his fingers. “I know.”

“I don’t want to disappoint you,” she barely got out. His eyes held her motionless.

“You won’t.” His lips covered hers in a gentle touch. He rested his forehead against hers and when she opened her eyes, he watched her. “If something doesn’t feel right or if you want to change anything or stop anything, tell me. If something is too fast or not enough, tell me. I’m doing this for you.”

She swallowed.

“Only me?” The words came out hollow. She thought he wanted her, but what if he just wanted a body and like he said she was convenient.

“Fuck, Lacy.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it against his erection. “I thought we already went over this part. I want you. You letting me have you is a fucking miracle. You need forever and I’m not that guy, but I’m more than happy to show you just how passionate you really are.”

She tightened her hand around him through his jeans. He was solid and hot beneath her palm. She’d never actually touched a guy before. At least not like this. “Can I. . . .”

She bit her lip and glanced up at his eyes. He watched her struggle with her words, patiently. She needed to get over her hang ups.

“Can I see. . . it?”

His eyes widened, but his lips curved into a smirk. “I’m hoping we’ll be doing more than seeing.”

She didn’t think she could blush any harder, but damn if her cheeks didn’t feel hotter by the minute.
