Page 57 of Not Quite Roommates

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He lowered his mouth to hers. This kiss was tender and sweet. Her heart filled her chest and she started to relax. His hand skimmed up her inner thigh and stroked her gently, slowly. Reminding her of last night and the pleasure he gave her.

She relaxed as he deepened the kiss and his fingers moved within her. Before long, her hips moved with him, seeking that release.

He lifted his head slightly until they could see each other. His fingers moved steadily in her and she bit her lip as she got closer and closer to the edge. His eyes pinned her in place and she wanted to slip over the edge. It was so close she could feel it bearing down on her. He removed his hand and she felt the head of his cock against her. But she was beyond caring. She wanted more. She craved more.

He pulled her hips closer to the edge of the counter as he slid into her. She didn’t have any time to register what was happening as he filled her completely, except the pleasure. Her eyes widened, but she didn’t have any pain, just fullness.

“Good?” His gaze never left hers.

She nodded. It felt strange but so much better than good.

He pulled her body up against his, supporting her weight. Her arms shook slightly as she wrapped them around his shoulders. This feeling of being closer to Jonah than anyone else in her life filled her. He propped her knees against his hips.


Heat rushed to her cheeks. How she could still feel embarrassed at this point, she had no idea. He was being so considerate of her. Her heart wanted to burst from her chest.

She shook her head and whispered, “No.”

He pressed his forehead to hers. “Good.”

She searched his eyes while he watched her. Nothing had been more erotic to her than Jonah’s eyes. She experimentally moved her hips against him gently and moaned at the sensation. So much better than his fingers.

He gave her a crooked grin and began to stroke in and out of her slowly. Her legs wrapped around him to hold on. She tried to bite her lip to stop from moaning again. Then Jonah’s lips found hers and he held her to him as they continued to thrust together.

Lifting his mouth from hers, his gravelly voice said, “Lacy, open your eyes.”

She opened them and his eyes were the same as that night he’d caught her watching him, but there was something more in them. It pushed her even closer to that edge. She would never forget his blue eyes in this moment.

She cupped his cheek and whispered, “Jonah.”

Giving him a piece of her she’d never shared with anyone else. She arched into him as her body exploded into fireworks. He let out a satisfied groan and his face tightened as he found his own release. Time stood still for a second as they stayed connected. Eye to eye. Chest to chest. Him buried deep inside her. She wanted to hold onto it forever. This image. This moment.

Then the world rushed backed in. She dropped her head to his shoulder, exhausted and energized at the same time. She never wanted to move again while they waited for their breathing to return to normal.
