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I gape at the sight of Braxton standing before me, a small, wrapped gift in his hand, as my mind frantically scrambles through the days, wondering if he somehow mixed up the date.

For a place that’s so focused on time, it’s strange how easy it is to lose track to the point where I’d completely forgotten about my own birthday.

“It’s after midnight.” Braxton smiles. “You’re officially eighteen now. Go ahead, open it.”

With trembling hands, I loosen the ribbon and tear away the iridescent wrapping paper to reveal a small black velvet box underneath. I trace a finger over the lid, almost too afraid to open it, and having no idea what to think. Not only has Braxton remembered a day I’ve overlooked, but he’s gone to the trouble of getting me a gift. And from the looks of this box, he clearly overspent.

“The gift isinsidethe box,” he teases.

With a quick intake of breath, I flip the lid open and gasp.

“It’s your talisman,” he explains as I take in the sight. “Traditionally, it’s a magickal object that serves as a focal point for intent—for getting what you want. In your case, I infused it with the energy of home. And by that, I mean Gray Wolf, your new home. Anyway, you should always have one with you when you Trip. It also helps if the talisman serves as a visual reminder of a moment from your past. Something to help you remember who you are, when you are, and, in your case I hope, that there’s someone back at Gray Wolf waiting for you to return.”

My throat swells hot and tight as I run a finger along the finely detailed charm. It’s a small golden cage with a lapis moon, the color of Braxton’s eyes, and a single star encrusted with diamonds, nestled inside. And right away, I realize it’s us—a symbol for our lives inside this gilded cage, and the night of our first kiss under a waxing moon and a sky full of stars—the two of us tucked away inside an all-glass room,

“I designed it,” Braxton says. “Then I asked one of the onsite artisans to make it.” He steps forward. “May I?” He gestures toward the piece.

I sweep my hair over my shoulder, trying and failing to stifle an involuntary shudder at the nearness of him, the way his body presses toward mine, the brush of his fingers when he fastens the delicate gold chain at my neck.

“It’s weird how no on saw fit to tell me I’d need something like this.”

Braxton shrugs, positioning the charm to fall at the center of my chest. “You were on the fast track,” he says. “They must’ve overlooked it in the rush to get you up to speed.”

“Still,” I say. “Makes me wonder what else they might’ve forgotten.”

“You’ll do fine,” he assures me. “They wouldn’t risk sending you if they didn’t think you were ready.”

My fingers curl around the charm, sliding it back and forth on the chain, as I contemplate what he just said. I really hope that he’s right.

“Depending on where you go, you can wear it on a ribbon, or simply carry it in your pocket. All that really matters is that you always bring it with you.”

Something about the way he looks at me makes my eyes spark with tears. This boy is truly looking out for me, and I’m so unused to being cared for like this, I ignore the admonishing voice in my head, tuck into his arms, and breathe in his warm heady scent. “Thank you,” I tell him. “It’s the most beautiful thing anyone’s ever given me.”

“Arthur’s not big on remembering birthdays,” Braxton says, the words whispered just north of my ear. “And I didn’t want yours to go unnoticed. Also, as your friend, I feel invested in doing whatever it takes to see you safely returned. The talisman will help with that.”

As my friend.Right.

The relationship status I’ve chosen for us that I’m seriously starting to regret.

“I’m sorry,” I say, nuzzling deeper into his arms. “I’m sorry for telling you I wanted to be friends only to push you away for so long. Because, the truth is, I’ve missed you.” I swallow hard, knowing I shouldn’t have said it. And yet, is there really any point in denying it, when I knew it from the moment he stepped into my room?

The second it’s out, Braxton is quick to untangle himself and take a step back. And when my eyes meet his, I’m left with no doubt that the month we spent apart hasn’t impacted Braxton the same way it has me.
