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“I’m never going to give this up ever again,” he whispered against my hair, stroking my back as I languished in a peaceful place that only he could take me to.

“I’m never going to let you,” I promised back, hoping it was good enough, for now.

Yeah, I could see a white dress in my future, a gold band on my finger, but for now? This was all I wanted. I didn’t even want a bed. Not when he could fuck so good against a wall.

“Are you going to keep working at the club?” he asked, stopped, then spoke again. “I only ask because I have enemies in my life. You understand that don’t you? People that will hurt you to get to me.”

“I know that, Brian. And I know I could walk out of here and get hit by a bus, or develop a horrible disease that can kill me. Life is a chance, and I’m choosing to take that chance with you.”

“That’s all I can ask for, Mandy. I just want you to know reality. I’m the leader of motorcycle club that isn’t exactly made up of law-abiding citizens. The less you know, the better off you’ll be, but you have to know, this won’t be a safe life.”

“I know that, Brian, like I said before. I’m aware of what I’m stepping into, but if you want me, I’m yours. Nothing can change that, nothing at all. I want you. I didn’t ever think I’d say those words, but here I am, saying them to you. You made me see you weren’t what I thought you were, and gave me so much more to want out of life.”

“I was the same, Mandy. I thought you were too stuck up for your own good, but you made me think about things like a future, a life together with someone that cared about me. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I promise you this much. If I’m alive, and there, I’ll be making you laugh and making you smile for the rest of my days.”

“That’s far more than I bargained for, but I think we can do this. Together.” I kissed his neck and inhaled his scent.

“Together, Mandy. Always.

The End
