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Raven nods and I continue. “A few years ago John saved his partner by lifting a car. I did some digging and with the help of your hacker software, I found redacted photos from the incident. Check out the car.” I put finger quotes around the last word and move aside to show Raven a picture of a semi-truck without the trailer laying on its side. Raven raises an eyebrow.

“Someone covered it up,” I say.

“What does the medical report say?”

“Extreme fatigue for 24 hours. That’s it. They wrote it off as an adrenaline surge."

Raven nods. “I’ll approach Henry this weekend and find out what he knows. Anything on Liv?”

I shake my head no. “Seems pretty normal.”

He grunts and returns to his computer. I stand and stretch and head to the kitchen. I’m sure he forgot to eat lunch, so I make us both sandwiches. The plate clatters in front of him and he picks it up and takes a bite without looking away from his screen.

He swallows, then speaks. “I’m sending Sylvie in the field for John. “

“You think she’s ready?”

He looks at me and nods. “I think John will respond better to her than either of you assholes.”

“I can charm,” I say and Raven’s lip quirks up.

“It’s a good thing we don’t rely on that trait,” he says and I chuckle.

“I’m going to do some recon. I’ll return in a few hours.”

He grunts in acknowledgement. When I get outside, I call Sylvie. “Did he tell you?” she says when the call connects.

“I’m calling to congratulate you."

She squeals so loud I have to pull the phone away from my ear. “I’m finally going to do something important!”

“I feel sorry for John already."

She laughs. “I’m glad I get my hands on him first. I’ll prevent him from turning into a brooding asshole like other agents I know.”

“Pretty sure that’s in the job description, but good luck.”

“How’s Liv?”

“Luke spent the night at her place last night.”

She gasps. “Get it girl! Who needs TV when you can just spy on people?”

“When are you coming out?”

“In a few weeks. You want to go for brunch? I miss you too.”

“Shut up.”

She laughs and something beeps in the background. “Shit, I got to go. I’ll send you a list of what I need for my secret lair.”

I roll my eyes and she hangs up before I can tell her she doesn’t get a secret lair. Climbing into the Jeep, I head to the trailhead and find a parking spot. My ball cap sits low over my eyes. I shrug into my hoodie and attempt to blend in with the other hikers. John’s truck pulls up a few minutes later, and they park a few cars behind me. I open the back door and pretend like I’m searching for something. Once they pass I wait until they’re out of sight up around the first bend before I follow.

I dip into my energy reserves and expand my hearing, searching for John and Liv’s voices. I find them and narrow in, blocking out the other chatter. When I first discovered this ability, I used it all the time. But one late night in the bunker, when I was testing how far I could take it, I heard Sylvie listening to an erotic audio book that made me blush. In my panic to sever the connection, I ended up turning up the volume, and a buzzing filled my ears, along with a moan from Sylvie. It took ten seconds more before I could turn it off. It took me weeks to look her in the eye again. I only tap into it for missions now. Lesson learned.

I keep my distance and smirk at John and Liv’s banter. There’s no doubt they’re brother and sister. They’re lucky to be best friends. It’s going to be tough on both of them when we reveal the truth.
