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“We should head back down.” John stands and startles me out of my memories. I look up at his massive form as I stand and follow him down the trail. The sun has set and darkness is creeping in.

“Do you think she wants to get back together with him?” I voice the fear we share.

He stops and clenches his fists. “Dad isn’t that stupid.” He continues walking without looking at me, but I know he shares the same sentiment. She doesn’t deserve him.

“Will you tell him to call me?”

He nods and we continue down the mountain in silence, both stewing on the consequences of our dad and mom meeting up. “Would you forgive him if he did? Take her back, I mean.”

He stops then and turns to face me. I can’t read his features in the dark, but his shoulders are tense. “I hope I never find out.” He turns and continues down the path. I still can’t keep up with his long legs. Some things never change. He stops occasionally to wait for me.

“Thank you for being an awesome brother growing up. I know you didn’t have to include me in all the hangouts with your friends. I appreciate you.”

He grins and shrugs. “You got less annoying as you got older.”

We both laugh. By the time we get to his truck, we’re in good spirits. Despite our lack of a mother, we had a pretty kick ass childhood. My dad made sure of it.

We grab dinner on the way to his house. We eat while watching the sports channel and I head home to shower to clean off the day. I spend a few extra minutes soaking in the scalding water as I think about last night. It was one of the best sleeps I’ve ever had. The empty space next to me when I woke was disappointing, but it’s new. I can’t expect Luke to spend all of his time with me, especially if he’s off running his empire.

It was so easy to talk to him; to share things I’ve only ever shared with my family. I can tell he cares about his friends. He’s generous but humble at the same time. The billionaire thing should scare me, but it doesn’t. I’m sure having all that money makes life much more convenient, but Luke doesn’t define himself by it. He shows his character through his actions, not the amount of zeros in his bank account.

My phone dings with a notification on the counter as I’m toweling off, and I look at the screen and smile. Luke sent me a photo of a plate full of tacos.

Luke: Told you I was addicted.

Me: You might need an intervention.

Luke: Right? It’s bad.

Me: Mildly upset that you eat tacos so much and still get to have abs. It’s not fair.

Luke: What can I say? I’m #blessed.

Me: No argument from me.

Luke: Sorry I left without a word this morning. You looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you.

Me: No worries. I had fun last night.

Luke: Me too :) I’m up in LA for the week. Can I see you when I get back?

Me: Of course :)

Luke: Great! I just realized how late it is. Sorry if I woke you.

Me: I was awake, but I’m getting ready for bed now.

Luke: Ok, I’ll say goodnight. Thanks for the chat.

Me: No, no. Thank you. It was a pleasure chatting with someone so #blessed.

Luke: Haha! You’re welcome

Me: Goodnight, Luke.

Luke: Goodnight, Liv. Sleep well.

I can’t wipe the grin off my face as I finish getting ready for bed. I’m still smiling when my head hits the pillow, feeling hopeful that I’m forming a solid connection with a great guy.
