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She smiles, making my heart beat even faster. “Ok.”

“Next weekend? Saturday night?”

She nods, and her grin widens.

“I’ll pick you up.”

“Ok.” We smile at each other for a few seconds.

I take a step back, even though everything inside me is screaming to kiss her. But I won’t let our first kiss happen in a fucking bathroom. “Let’s go join everyone.”

I hold her hand and don’t drop it when we sit on the couch. I rub my thumb over hers. How can such a simple touch ignite every nerve ending in my body? Jordy looks at our joined hands and smiles at me. Liv joins the conversation and holds her own against five crude as fuck former Marines. She laughs so hard she wipes her tears away at one point, and I laugh right along with her.

Maybe the universe is throwing me a bone. It’s so easy to be around her. Effortless, like falling asleep after an exhausting day. I can see her fitting into my life. I watch as the hardened men around me hang onto her every word, drawn in by the odd combination of sweetness and dirty humor. She’s not fazed by the endless dick jokes, even making a few of her own and finding genuine delight when the guys crack up. Skye follows John around like a puppy, but Liv gets her attention and they chat for a bit.

I can’t keep my eyes off Liv as she interacts with my family. I can tell they have already accepted her into the group. It’s a heady feeling. It’s never happened before, with any girl I’ve brought around. Not that there have been many. The guys are never rude, of course, but I’ve never seen them be so open with a girl they know I’m interested in. She’s so perfect it both terrifies and excites me.

The guys all seem to enjoy John, too. They laugh and banter like they’ve been bros forever towards the end of the night.

John leaves a little early since he has to get up before dawn for a work function. Brando and Vera leave together not long after. Liv yawns and says she better get going. I don’t want her to go, but I get it. We’re not there yet.

I offer to walk her down to her car and she hugs Skye and the rest of the guys goodbye, except for Jackson who she fist bumps, keeping the no hug joke between them going. Fine by me. We’re silent as we make our way down the elevator.

When she gets to her car, she unlocks it and turns to me for a hug. “I had a fantastic time. Thanks so much for inviting me.”

I hold her tight. “Of course.”

She moves away and before I know what I’m doing, I reach out and tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. “I won’t be in the gym this week, but I’ll text you. I’m excited about Saturday.”

She clasps her hands in front of her. “Are you going back to LA?”

“Yes, but I’d much rather stay right here with you.”

She doesn’t hesitate to place her palm on mine when I hold it up to her. I love that this is our thing already. I place a gentle kiss on her knuckles and meet her eyes before giving her a gentle squeeze and dropping her hand. That pretty blush of hers creeps up her neck.

I open her door for her, and she climbs into the driver’s seat and buckles in. “Text me when you get home safe?”

She nods. “I will.”

I smile and shut the door, backing up a step and waving as she heads towards the exit of the underground structure.

Her taillights disappear around the corner, and I let out a breath and rub the back of my neck. I already miss her. When I return to the condo, Jordy, Skye, Jackson, and Mark all wait for me.

“She’s great, Luke. She’s so perfect for you,” Mark says as I slink onto the couch.

“When you guys get married, would it be weird if I dated her brother?” Skye asks with a wry grin, and I ignore her as Jordy sighs.

“Better lock that shit up before I do. I’m not even joking this time,” Jackson says.

“I’m taking her out on Saturday.”

They all grin at me. “Where?” Jordy asks.


He raises his eyebrows. “Are you going to tell her you own it?”


He holds out his fist and we bump. “Proud of you.”

“Vera’s pretty awesome too, but Brando is going to fuck that up,” Jackson says.

We all sigh and nod. Brando would never settle down. Not even for the right woman. But that won’t be me. There’s no way I’m going to let Liv get away. I just hope that the universe agrees with me.
