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“When I turned 21, my dad set Jackson, Brando, and I up in Vegas. VIP treatment, the works. Scotty was trying to get a scoop on my dad for the tabloids. I didn’t know who he was when he introduced himself that night. Rita Riser was with him and I was drunk, young, and dumb. She slipped me some roofies. They took me to a chapel, and we got married. They took tons of incriminating photos.” I look into her eyes for any reaction, but she only looks contemplative.

The guilt I have from that night still resonates with me today. My dad’s PR team did an excellent job of painting me as the victim, which I was to a certain extent, but I willingly took pills at one point. I almost ruined my dad’s reputation because of it. The last time I did that, my mom died.

When I pause, Brando picks up the story and I watch her as she turns to him and takes in the information. “Scotty painted Luke as the rich asshole who does drugs and fucks porn stars. They almost kicked him out of the Marines. It was a mess, but it could have been worse. Luke’s dad had the resources to fix most of it. But Luke being Luke, he still carries the guilt.”

I narrow my eyes at him and he shrugs. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

I sigh and reach out and take Liv’s hand. “It was stupid. It shouldn’t have happened.”

I watch her reaction and wait in nervous silence. Her face has remained neutral. She looks into my eyes and a smile forms. I blink in surprise.

“Sounds like you had a pretty crazy 21st birthday party.”

We all look at her for a second in stunned silence, then Jackson laughs.

“You’re not mad?” I squeeze her hand, easing the stress on my heart.

She shakes her head. “It was such a long time ago. You were so young. Nobody makes good choices at that age. Plus, it seems like they took advantage of you.”

“Tell her the rest,” Mark says, and she glances at him, her smile slipping.

“If he was just an overzealous paparazzo, we wouldn’t need to worry. But it’s personal for Scotty. He blames me for his mom’s death.”

Her brow furrows.

“In Vegas, he was after a big story so he could pay for the surgery his mom needed. My dad got him blacklisted for what he did to me. He couldn’t get a job. I didn’t find out until it was too late. His mom had already passed.”

Her hand covers her mouth and I witness her big heart bleed for someone who doesn’t deserve it. “That’s awful,” she says and drops her hand and shakes her head. “But how is that your fault?”

I sigh and run my thumb over her knuckles. “If he had just asked, I know my dad would have helped him. But he chose the wrong path. I tried to help him get a job again after, but he wouldn’t let me. He’s popped up every so often just to mess with me. He’ll tell you anything to turn you against me.”

“How do we keep my sister safe?” John asks. He’s remained calm, but I don’t miss the sharpness in his tone.

“You’ll need to stay vigilant, Liv. One of us will be with you when Luke isn’t around. That means we’ll be nearby when you’re at work or the gym or the grocery store. We’ll be as discreet as we can, but your safety comes first," Mark says.

She takes that in for a second, then nods.

“If this is too much, you need to tell him now,” John says to her.

She looks over at his stern expression as my stomach drops. I just got her. I can’t lose her. The need to keep her close overwhelms me, but I hold it at bay for now.

Her forehead crinkles as she puts together what he’s suggesting. She stares at our joined hands. I want to be selfish and tell her to ignore her brother, but it's not fair to her. “Hey,” I whisper, and tilt her chin up to meet my eyes. “He’s right. I don’t want you to feel trapped. Say the word, and this all ends. I’ll hate it, but I’ll understand.”

Her lips form a soft smile. “Is it weird that I only want to be with you more? I don’t want Scotty to win. He shouldn’t be able to control us like that.”

I move closer and cup her face. “It’s a little weird, but that’s why I like you.”

Her pale skin is flushed and her eyes bright. She’s beautiful. She giggles and I kiss her, unable to contain the happiness the sound gives me. It lasts a few seconds before I remember we’re not alone.

“Aw. You guys are so fucking adorable,” Jackson says. Brando chuckles and John stares at me. I clear my throat and lean back from her and his glare softens a fraction. I don’t think he realizes he did it, but I can sympathize.

“You need to stay with me tonight,” John says. Her lips thin, but she nods. “Luke, can I talk to you for a sec?” he asks, and I swallow hard.

“Let’s discuss your routine so we can create a schedule,” Mark says to Liv. She squeezes my hand and follows the guys to the dining room.
