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I sit on the bench with Brando nearby. Jordy is doing tricep dips next to us, not speaking but taking everything in as usual. Skye is in the yoga class in the group room. Mark is on his way with Liv.

I dig my hands into my hair. I’ve never been this unsure in my entire life.

“But she could change her mind. I wouldn’t blame her. This shit show isn’t worth it.”

“We saw the way she kissed you back. You’re in bro,” Brando says.

I can’t hide my grin. Kissing Liv is incredible. My entire body reacted to her, sending my blood racing.

“You should have seen how gorgeous she was in the moonlight. Stole my goddamn breath.” I realize too late how whimsical I sound, and I’m met with chuckles from all of them.

I scrub both hands down my face with a groan. “Guys, I’m so fucked.”

Brando claps me on the shoulder. “Six ways to Sunday my friend.” I shoot him a glare and he chuckles. Asshole.

“She’s going to grab you and kiss you. I’d bet your car on that,” Jordy says, clapping me on the shoulder.

My guts are tossing in a washing machine. I convinced myself that she’d change her mind in the light of day once the craziness of it all sunk in. But the crazier part is that I don’t want her to. Despite knowing it could all end horribly, the idea of not being with her is worse.

After what feels like a decade she comes walking into the gym and my heart stutters like it always does when I see her. Her hair is in a high ponytail and she’s wearing workout gear. She’s not wearing a stitch of makeup, but she’s as stunning as last night. I struggle to breathe.

She walks right up to me as I scramble to find words and I stand to meet her. The guys sit around me and watch her expectantly. She smiles at them and lets out a nervous laugh when Jackson winks and gives her a thumbs up. She bites her lip and looks up at me.

A few seconds pass and I’m about to say something when she flings herself at me and pulls my neck down and slams her lips on mine. I wrap my arms around her as the guys all cheer and wolf whistle and make crude comments about taking it to the bedroom. I tune them out and sink into her touch, pulling her off her feet and devouring her. Time slows like it did last night. I can’t get enough of her.

When we come up for air, I set her on her feet and notice we’re alone. We’re both grinning like idiots. I keep her close and brush some stray hair behind her ear as my doubts evaporate.

“So we’re doing this, huh?” she asks.

I nod, my confidence returning. “Hell yes we are. We’re doing this so hard.”

She laughs and raises an eyebrow. “Oh, really?”

“Yep. I have plans for us.” She giggles and I occupy her mouth with mine for a while longer.

She pulls back first and presses her face to my chest and hugs me with a happy sigh. God, I could get used to this. I hold her and rest my head against hers.

Brando interrupts our moment. “You’re still here? Why the hell haven’t you thrown her over your shoulder to take her home to claim her yet?”

“Because I’m not a caveman like you.”

He laughs.

“Don’t let him fool you Liv. He’s a caveman just like the rest of us. He’ll claim the shit out of you at some point.” Jackson joins us with his helpful information.

“I’m looking forward to it.” Her eyes never leave mine and the devilish gleam in them as she grins sends a pulse straight to my groin.

“Told you, man. Redheads are the best.” Jackson winks at us and Liv laughs.

She takes a step back from me, and I frown at the distance. Jackson jumps in between us and offers her a high five. She slaps her palm to his. “Welcome to our dysfunctional family. As the alpha female, you’re now required to bring us snacks at least three times a week. And none of that processed shit. Brando has a sensitive tummy.”

Brando glares at Jackson. “Fuck you.”

Liv roars with laughter and I shoot a glare at Jackson, which only makes him laugh harder.

“He’s not kidding about the snacks.” Jordy moves in and hugs her.

“Noted.” She smiles at him. My heart squeezes at how much she cares about my family already.

Mark grins down at her next. “You sure about this? He’s a lot of fucking work.”

She laughs and nods before smiling at me. “I’m sure.”

The guys banter with her for a few minutes, offering unhelpful advice. The first chance I get, I pull her to the office and slam the door shut behind us. She giggles as I wrap her up in my arms and kiss her. I can’t remember ever being this happy.
