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Sylvie goes quiet next to me, tapping away on her tablet. “What’s up?” I ask.

She sighs and looks out the door where Raven disappeared. “I just wish he’d trust me more. I’m sick of being holed up in the stupid bunker while you guys do the fun stuff in the field.”

“It’s not fun. Believe me. And of course he trusts you. You’re safer here.”

She rolls her eyes and returns to her tablet. I sigh and lay my head against the pillow. Sylvie is our expert medical tech. She’s not a doctor, but she's more skilled than half of them. She trained as a nurse before Raven pulled her into this mess. Infinitum took from her the same way it took from me, brutally and without remorse. Raven trusts her because we’re all in this for the same reason: to put a stop to Infinitum.

“He’s alone and armed,” I tell Raven through the micro implant that allows him to see and hear my point of view from his location at our headquarters in San Diego.

I trail several yards behind the guy I’m tailing. He’s tall and wide with a buzz cut, wearing all black. He stops and pulls out his phone, glancing across the street at a frozen yogurt shop.

“Am I close enough for you to tap into his phone?”

“Yes. He’s not using it,” Raven says.

The door to the shop opens and a pretty red-headed woman walks out, oblivious to her surroundings as she scoops the treat into her mouth. She waits at the crosswalk, then heads towards my target. He pockets his phone and watches her. Does he know her? When she gets to the sidewalk, he turns and walks towards me, passing without a glance as I lean up against the wall and act like I'm minding my own business.

The woman passes a minute later, headed in the same direction as my target. Her clothes are a little rumpled, loose strands fall out of her low bun, and her eyes are tired. She’s engrossed in her dessert and I shake my head as she passes, not even acknowledging my presence. She’s going to get herself in trouble, but she’s not my problem.

Once she’s a few feet away, I look ahead and watch as my target ducks into an alleyway. I turn the opposite direction and hustle to the other side of the building. Hidden in the shadows at the other end of the alley, I use my enhanced vision and find my target tucked behind a dumpster, peering around it back towards where he entered.

I narrow my eyes, then sigh when I see the oblivious redhead walking straight towards him. “Fuck. He’s waiting for her.”

“Do not engage,” Raven says.

I’m in a tough spot here. Revealing my identity to either of them would be lethal for me. But I’m not about to watch an innocent woman get raped or killed. I flex my fingers.

The redhead stops walking and looks around like she’s just realizing where she is. I bite back a curse when the guy pulls his weapon and confronts her.

“Stay fucking put. I’ve got help on the way,” Raven barks in my ear.

I clench my teeth and wait. My target yanks the woman's purse away, then points a gun at her. He shifts his stance and I curse as his finger moves to the trigger. “He’s going to kill her.” I rise from my crouched position.

“Stand down,” Raven says.

My muscles flex and I reach for the familiar warm energy ball inside me. I’ll be in and out before they even realize I’m there. Hopefully.Fuck. About half a second before I jump into action, someone shouts from the other end of the alley and I return to my crouch. The target looks up as a familiar man approaches, then sprints past my hiding spot.

I follow him at a distance as he hustles down the sidewalk. He digs around in her purse, then tosses the whole thing into a trash can and pockets her phone.

“They’ll wait for her to buy a new phone. Once she syncs it with her info, they’ll be able to track her. Let him go,” he says.

“I can grab him now.”

“Negative. He won’t know anything of use to us. We have what we need. I’ll be able to keep them off her trail.”

My target disappears into the night as I slow to a stop. I circle back to the trash can where he dumped her purse and fish it out.

“I’m heading back.”

“See you soon.”

I tap my temple and the implant turns off.

When I get to our headquarters, which comprises a simple two-bedroom apartment, I dump the woman’s purse on my desk and log in to the computer using my fingerprint. Raven glances at me and nudges his chin towards the purse. “Find out who she is.”

I dig out her wallet and pull out her ID. “Olivia Sutton. Age 29.”

Raven returns to his typing. He looks at one of the several monitors attached to the wall, then returns his attention to the screen of his laptop.
