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“He’s going to seize,” Raven says as John drops the guy and he scuttles away. He’s lucky to be alive. It took me a while to learn to control my abilities, and I had Raven to help me. John has been doing it on his own for years.

Sure enough, a few seconds later John collapses. The seizing only lasts a few seconds, but he’s still unconscious. That’s a huge fucking problem.

I flip to the camera inside the house as Sylvie appears, and they bring John inside. She sends everyone away and pulls out a syringe and injects him with the concoction she’s been working on to help John with his condition. A few minutes later he wakes like nothing happened and they continue on with their little get together.

Raven sighs and looks over at me. “His dad activated him too young. It’s the only variable that’s different.”

We’re not sure why activation is required. Yet another secret my mom kept to herself. But it has something to do with growth hormones during adolescence. The DNA that makes us agents stays dormant unless it combines with the activation serum. It’s then we find out what abilities an agent has. We’ve never come across someone like John, who was activated so young.

“You confirmed with his dad?”

Raven nods. “Margo gave him the activation serum she created soon after we discovered the enhanced DNA only affected the children of the patients in the Infinitum trials. Henry used it to save John’s life when he was in a car accident as a teenager.”

“Does John know about Infinitum?”

“No, but Henry is aware. He's been working hard to keep John's abilities quiet to sheild him from Infinitum. He's who altered the report about the semi-truck incident. Margo told him almost everything."

My eyes widen. “Why would she do that?”

“I’m not sure. She told him I would come find him one day.” He meets my eyes. “Henry knew about you.”

My fists clench and I squeeze my eyes shut.Dammit, mom.I sigh and face him. “Do you trust him?”

Raven stares at the floor as he contemplates. Then he nods. “His kid’s lives are on the line, and Margo trusted him. We can too.”

I relax and nod. I trust his judgment, even when I don’t like it. A thought occurs to me as I mull over the information. “How many patients did she track down? How many sleeper agents are out there?”

“We have to assume they exist. Your mother’s guilt tore her up, even though it wasn’t her fault. She was trying to rectify her actions, and they killed her for it.”

I nod. My mom was a good person and Infinitum used that to manipulate her. She’d do everything in her power to fix her mistake, which led to her death.

“John’s seizures are getting worse,” I say.

Raven nods, then returns to his computer. “Sylvie is working on it. If she can’t get a handle on them soon, we’ll need to bring him to the bunker. Henry is on board.”

“What about Liv?”

“Infinitum might know something we don’t. It would explain why they’re tracking her. We can’t leave her defenseless against them.”

I sag into my chair. The fate for an agent in Infinitum’s hands is worse than death. He’s right, so I say nothing. We’re both quiet for a while.

It’s difficult tracking down other agents. We got lucky with Liv. The list of men who received the serum was destroyed, along with Luke’s dad James, in a fiery car crash on the coast. Raven claims he never met James in person, but they were aware of each other through Mom. I have my doubts. I’m pretty sure James taught Raven his impressive hacker skills, but it doesn’t matter.

The information Infinitum wants no longer exists. It’s one of the few things we have going for us. If Infinitum realizes it’s gone, they’ll go dark and we’ll never be able to find them. But we still don’t understand why they’re tracking Liv in the first place.

“We have to activate Liv,” I say.

“Her dad is against it.”

“The alternative is worse.”

He sighs and runs a hand over his beard. “We’ll wait until it’s necessary. I’ll deal with Henry. Scotty is lying low right now. Hopefully he’ll get bored and will move on, but we need to keep watch. His presence now after years of silence is suspicious.”

I nod and he lets out a heavy sigh, staring at the monitors for a moment before he turns to me again. “I’m going to send Luke the video of his mom.”

My eyebrows climb my forehead.

“Even if Scotty isn’t involved with Infinitum, Luke needs to be aware of the risks.”

I nod. “Alright, if you think it’s time.”

He grunts, and we both return to our tasks.
