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“She can’t turn off her Empath abilities yet. What happens when she does and finds out her attraction to you isn’t real?”

He glares at me, his eyes flashing red. “It is real. You can’t create something from nothing. Her abilities just amplify her feelings, especially when she can sense mine too.”

“And once she’s able to control it, her attraction to you won’t be enough to distract her from Luke.”

He stays quiet, staring straight ahead.

“What did you do?”

His gaze drops to the floor. “She’s… powerful. Her Empath abilities are like a damn drug. It sweeps us both up. I’ve been trying to contain it for her, but it’s difficult.”

“You’re playing with fire.”

He sighs.

I observe him for a long moment until he faces me. “Are you in love with her?”

He looks to the floor and the rainbow swirls in his gaze. If he isn’t yet, he’s damn close.

“Did you look at her future?”

He grimaces. “I only wanted to see if I stood a chance. I didn’t stay long.”


“I’m sitting at about thirty percent.”

“Charlie, I get it. She’s different. Special. But nobody is going to bet on a thirty percent chance. Guys like us don’t get the girl.”

“Grant did.”

“That ended well.”

He scowls at me, red flashing again, but he knows he can’t argue with the logic. I wait for him to process.

“I’ll let her go.” He swallows and rubs his hand over his stubbled jaw. His eyes flash blue before he stands. “You better replace my doorknob,” he mutters as he disappears into his room. I leave and speed to the barn, finding the tools I need and fix his doorknob in less than two minutes. I believe that he’ll do as I ask. But she’s the one we need to worry about.

Charlie is an exciting and easy choice compared to the conflicted mess Luke always leaves her in. I don’t have any doubt that she’s developing feelings for Charlie, but they’ll fizzle out. Especially when she finds out he’s been lying to her. If John is any indication, she won’t react well. The last thing she needs is to fall for another guy who is keeping big secrets.

But I can relate to Charlie. This life we got stuck in can be lonely. I’d struggle too if the remote possibility of happiness with a good woman presented itself. Lucky for me, I’ll never have to worry about that.
