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An SUV limo pulls up. My entire body goes taut when fucking Dennis Davenport steps out. Feeling my emotions, concern reaches me from Charlie. Davenport worked for my mom. He’s supposed to be dead.

“Tell Raven it’s Davenport.”

Charlie passes the message, and his concern turns to dread.

“Raven says to not engage.”

“Is he fucking serious?”

“He usually is.”

I sigh and motion for him to follow me. We get closer, using the vehicles as cover. A handful of men loiter outside, their weapons ready and gazes swiveling. A surge of energy slams into both of us and we stagger.

“There’s another Telepath in there,” Charlie says. He doesn’t have enhanced vision, so he waits for me to confirm.

Luke’s heat signature is dangling in the air. “Tell Raven they have at least two First-Gens.”

First-Gens are like us, but weaker. They received a serum Infinitum created based on the original that skipped the next generation step. They’re brainwashed before they even go through the process. The only thing that keeps their abilities in check, and controllable, is the headgear they wear.

Telepaths are the rarest and most powerful of the First-Gens. But we have our own ace.“I need you to take him out,”I say. They lower Luke to the ground and the energy from inside dims.

Charlie grimaces, but nods. His closed eyelids flutter for a few moments. “He’s strong. I’ll have to go in quick when we’re ready.”

Both our heads snap towards the warehouse when an even bigger burst of energy slams into us. I wait for Charlie to figure out what’s going on. His eyes widen. “They’re trying to get into Luke’s mind,” he whispers to Raven.

Charlie takes a deep breath and focuses on something in the distance. He grimaces as sweat beads on his forehead. A few seconds later, he slumps. “The Telepath is dead.”

I squeeze his shoulder. “Tell Raven we’re going in.”

He holds up a hand and presses two fingers to his temple. “Raven? Raven, do you copy?” He brings his gaze to mine. “He just went dark.”

I absorb the information. There’s nothing we can do. We’re on our own. “I’m not letting them take her.”

He nods. “I’m with you.”

We crouch lower when the door opens, and Davenport emerges. We both curse when we see Barbara hanging on his arm like a trophy wife. That’s a problem for later, though.

“Tell Liv we’re coming.” I want nothing more than to speed over and snap Davenport’s neck, but it could mean death for our friends inside.

“Are you sure you’re ready to do this?”Charlie asks.

We’ll be exposed and without backup, but we don’t have a choice. We both watch as the limo races away. He waits for my nod, then we speed into the warehouse.

Charlie takes out the men guarding the door. I grab the first guy I see and twist his neck. I kill two more, but an ear-piercing, inhuman scream has everyone in the room staring at Liv.

“Something’s wrong,” Charlie says. He grabs his head, then drops his hands and stares at me. “John just shoved me out of her head.”

That’s impossible. He’s not a Telepath. Our heads whip towards her as light glows from her hands. “She’s losing control. Get Luke.”

The men in the room train their weapons on her, hesitating. They’re all about to die. I curse when I see how close Luke is to her. I race to him, and he stares at me in confusion, but there’s no time. Before he can protest, I grab his arms and pull him against my chest, spinning to place myself between him and Liv.

Liv’s scream turns even more animalistic, like a roar of man, woman, and beast combined. Luke’s body tenses like he’s about to run to her, but I tighten my grip. Then she explodes. Luke covers his head with his arms on instinct. Light blinds us and I grimace as the force scours my back, burning lines gouging into my skin as it attempts to reach my internal organs. The screaming men around us aren’t so lucky. Charlie staggers from the blow, but a glowing barrier keeps the deadly light away from Mark and Henry. My skin heals in seconds as Liv’s light fades.

I check on Luke, but other than a few scrapes, he’s uninjured. I take in the carnage. They’re all dead. Every single one of them with burnt out eye sockets. Jesus, she’s efficient. I’m not even sure Charlie could have pulled that off.

Charlie runs to Liv, even though Luke is already there to comfort her.

I scan the room for cameras but don’t find any. It doesn’t mean they aren’t there, but this isn’t a regular Infinitum hideout, so we might get lucky. I break Henry out of his bonds. He meets my eyes and I see a well of regret and shame. His worst-case scenario almost happened. We warned him it would, but like his stubborn daughter, he refused to listen.

“Raven is back. There was an incident with John. Sylvie is hurt bad, but Clay saved her.”

I nod to him and face Liv. We’ll have to sort it all out later. “We need to take them to the safe point.”
