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Astreamofsunlightblazes on the other side of my eyelids. I squint and adjust so my eyes are out of the light. I’m snuggled up to a warm body, and I take a minute to realize I’m outside on a lounge chair on Jackson’s balcony. Sandalwood floats in the air and I know it’s Luke I’m snuggled against. My heart melts when I see his sleeping face. He’s so handsome and innocent like this. I should panic that I’m in the arms of my ex, but I don’t. We’re both clothed and I look over his shoulder at the lounge next to us and find Dylan passed out.

My gaze moves to the glass door and into the living room. I smile and try to contain my laughter when I see Jackson cuddled up with John on the couch. John is on his back, his arm flung over his eyes. Jackson is next to him on his side, his head resting on John’s chest, his arm draped over his stomach. It’s adorable.

Skye is curled up on the love seat and Jordy lies on the floor below her.

Vera is sandwiched between Brando and Garrett on an air mattress. She’s wrapped up in Garrett’s arms, her head rests on his shoulder. Brando spoons her from behind, a possessive arm wrapped around her waist. That’s going to be interesting.

Everyone is in various stages of undress. Brando is in just his boxer briefs. Vera’s shirt is off and she’s in just her bra and shorts. Fox, who’s sprawled across the top of the hot tub cover nearby, is in his underwear too. Skye, Luke, Dylan and I are the only ones fully dressed.

What the hell happened last night? I have a vague memory of someone suggesting a game of strip poker. I yawn and Luke rouses. He blinks his eyes open and smiles at me. “Good morning.”

I smile at him, but now that he’s awake, my nerves return, skittering up my spine. I stretch and set my feet on the ground. Luke follows me inside. We find my dad in the kitchen making coffee, looking chipper as hell. He’s barefoot, and he wears jeans and a white t-shirt. I cover another yawn as he hands me a mug of coffee and kisses my forehead. I grunt in greeting, and he chuckles.

“How the hell are you so alert?”

“It’s called knowing your limits, Livvie. You’ll get there someday.” He winks and sips his coffee. “Besides, I’m used to farm life now. We rise early.”

I grunt again and take a seat on the stool. He pours a mug for Luke, who thanks him. My dad is much more friendly towards him now that we’re not together. John ambles in and I stand to use the restroom. When I come out, Jackson is in the kitchen sipping from my coffee mug.

I yank my coffee from his hands with a scowl. “Did you guys have a nice cuddle sesh?” I look up at him with a mischievous grin and he smirks.

“The best. He’s strong and protective. I felt so safe in his enormous arms.”

“You drool, asshole,” John says, and the room erupts in laughter.

“I have to say, it was pretty fucking precious,” Mark says, walking around the corner with Dylan. Jordy and Skye join us, too.

They debate who has the better chest to snuggle on. Jackson defends John’s honor, making me cackle. “I don’t get a vote?” I ask.

Jackson raises his eyebrow and glances at Luke.Shit.He meets my gaze and is about to speak, but our attention whips to the living room at Vera’s shout.“No! Stop!”

Vera tries to get between Garrett and Brando, who are grappling for one another. John and Mark lunge for Brando. He gets a punch in on Garrett’s ribs but ends up smacking Vera down to the ground. She yelps and everyone freezes. Garrett curses as he kneels to check on her.

She looks up at Brando in shock. “I’m done. Let me go,” Brando says in an even voice, his gaze never leaving Vera. John releases him and Brando grabs his clothes and yanks them on. He looks at Vera again, then sighs. “I’m sorry, Kitten.”

She flinches as Garrett growls. “You don’t get to fucking call her that anymore!”

Brando looks sympathetic as he nods at Garrett, then disappears out the front door. Luke chases after him. Vera tears up and I step aside when Garrett pulls her close. I turn to the guys and shoo them back into the kitchen. “Let’s give them a minute.”

The guys are on edge and agitated, the friendly banter from a minute ago gone. My dad frowns and shakes his head.

After a few minutes, Garrett comes storming into the kitchen yanking on a shirt. His face a thundercloud. “Garrett! Please! It meant nothing. I promise!” Vera calls from the edge of the living room. He puts his hand on the door handle, then faces her.

“You didn’t have to lie to me.”

Her lips tremble and she wraps her arms around herself.

“Goodbye, Vera.” He glances at me, and a mountain of pain radiates from him. I reach my hand out for him, but he’s gone, slamming the door behind him. Dylan sighs and runs after him.

Sobs wrack her body, her hand covering her mouth, and I’m at her side. She collapses into me, and I take her to the couch.

“I’m so stupid.” She keeps saying it over and over. When she calms down, I hand her a tissue, and she dabs her eyes.

“I take it you never told Garrett?”

She nods and more tears squeeze out. I sigh and rub her arm. “Brando got possessive. I don’t know what he was thinking. Garrett questioned me after he left, and I came clean. And now I’m fucking alone. This is why relationships are pointless,” she says and her chest heaves with another sob.
