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“Sylviewillneedhelpwith extraction if John won’t go willingly,” Raven says as he types.

We’ve been working through every detail of bringing John in for the past few weeks. Tomorrow we’ll have another teammate on the roster. I try to contain my excitement. We’re moving towards our goal instead of sidestepping away from it. This is huge.

“Shit!” Raven barks. My head swings towards him across the room as he stares at his computer.

“Something’s happening. Check the monitors,” he says.

I grab my keyboard and tap the button to scroll through every room we have on video. I find nothing at John’s house, so I move over to Luke’s condo. Nothing. I flick over to the gym. Liv is talking with Luke at the counter, Jeremy hovers nearby, waiting for her.

“Anything?” Raven barks.


“They’re mobilizing. Are you sure nothing is popping up?”

“I’m sure.” I keep my eyes glued to the screens.

He stops typing and my eyes fly to his. “They just issued a kill order.”

“Who?” I turn and grab my weapon, securing it to my belt in its holster.

His eyes widen as they shift to the monitor behind me. “Fuck!”

A familiar blonde woman speed walks towards the gym entrance, a revolver held down at her side. There’s no thought. The ball of energy melts into my muscles like a drop of water on sand. I speed across town, hoping nobody notices the blur of movement I leave in my wake. I activate my implant as I come to stop, slower than usual, so I don’t draw attention to myself. The building across the street provides cover as I peek around the corner. The woman is only four steps further than when I saw her on the screen.

“Specter. Stop her,” Raven’s voice is hard, tinged with a hint of desperation.

I’m not at a good angle for a clean shot. “I don’t have line of sight.”

“Whatever it takes,” Raven says.

It’s an enormous risk, but I have to expose myself. I lower my weapon and advance, keeping close to the shadow of the building. Once I reach a stairwell in an alcove, I duck inside. I line up my shot and squeeze the trigger, but the woman drops before my weapon fires. Someone beat me to it. The shot came from a room on the other side of the wall to my left.

Cursing rattles my eardrum. The woman is on the ground and people shout as the gym evacuates. My entire body jolts when my enhanced hearing picks up Luke’s frantic pleas for Liv to stay with him. I step towards her, but Raven’s voice pulls my attention.

“They’re there.” A trickle of fear skitters down my spine. They, meaning the people who started the Infinitum Trials decades ago. The ones who killed my mom. The ones who want to make me their lab rat. I’m a sitting duck.


“She has help. Get out of there!” Raven shouts.

He’s right. I need to leave. But I’m so close to the bastards who killed my mom, I have to try. I duck behind the open stairwell and wait.

A man dressed in black tactical gear steps out, carrying what looks like a briefcase, but I know it contains the pieces of the weapon he just used. He walks with purpose towards the back of the building. The second he lines up, I grab the railing and knock him to the side with a swift kick. He lands with a grunt. I slam his face into the ground and press my knee to his upper back, grabbing his wrists and pinning him. “Who sent you?”

He stays quiet and I apply more of my weight. He groans in pain and struggles to get free, but he’s not going anywhere.

“Specter! Get the fuck out of there,” Raven barks.

A car door slams shut on his end, but I tune him out.

I take out my knife and press it to his pinky finger. “You have three seconds to answer me.”

The man stays silent. I give him five seconds and press down. He howls in pain as I sever his finger. “Who fucking sent you?”

He only laughs. “You’re so dead.”
