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“I’mdoingthiswithor without you. She needs to heal before we turn her world upside down,” Henry says, staring Raven down. Raven has a few inches on him, and his gaze is just as hard, but he won’t win this one.

“It’s a risk we can’t take. My agents can’t be in two places at once. She’s strong. She’ll be able to cope,” Raven says.

Henry waves around the room at the monitors covering the walls. “I’m sure you can think of something with all this tech at your disposal. Please, we need more time.”

Raven sighs and runs a hand over his beard. “Henry, you’re only delaying the inevitable. We can bring her in with John, soften the blow. They’ll be able to handle it better together.”

Henry’s eyes narrow. “She deserves to have a normal life for as long as possible. I won’t put extra stress on her right now.”

“She lost that opportunity the second that needle hit your arm when you were eighteen,” Raven says.

I wince at his harsh yet accurate statement. Henry’s fists clench and his eyes blaze. “You don’t think I pay the price for that mistake with every breath I take?”

Raven sighs and glances at me, asking me to take the lead so he can cool off. “Henry, we want the same things. Liv’s safety is our priority,” I say.

He turns his fiery gaze on me. “She’s been attacked, nearly raped, and shot since you’ve been watching out for her safety. Forgive me if I don’t trust your so-called priorities.”

“That doesn’t mean she won’t be safer with us. Even if we don’t bring her in, she’ll be safer around Luke with his resources.”

“She can’t be around him.”

I glance at Raven, who nods. “Luke isn’t the one to blame. It’s all connected to Infinitum. Amber, Scotty, and David were all working for them. They were watching Liv before she even met Luke.”

Henry drops his arms and stares at the ground while he contemplates my words. “I know it’s not his fault. But she needs stability to get back on her feet. Luke can’t provide that for her right now.”

“That’s exactly what he can provide, but she refuses to see it,” Raven says.

Henry runs a hand over his head, blowing out a long breath. “She will. She needs more time. Please.”

Raven stares at him for a long moment, then his shoulders relax. “Specter will set up extra surveillance. Let me show you how to use some of this tech.”

Henry joins him, and I turn to my laptop and get to work. We have plenty of ways to monitor her, but Raven is right. The sooner we bring her in, the better. John won’t like being away from his sister for so long. But Henry isn’t giving us a choice. Raven has a soft spot for Liv because of the daughter he lost, but I’m not sure if letting Henry run the show is the best option. I guess I don’t have a choice either.
