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Onceamonth,there'sa craft fair in the town square. I love walking around and soaking in the small-town charm. Garrett and I find a parking spot close to the rows of tents. I buy a pair of earrings for Vera and peruse a few shops, but stop when I notice Garrett isn’t with me. I find him at the next tent over with Tina, the local bakery owner. The sweet aroma of pies wafts on the breeze. She’s feeding Garrett a bite of peach pie with a fork. He plays with the end of her blonde ponytail while she beams up at him. I can’t hear what he’s saying, but from the pink tinge to her cheeks, it’s clear they aren’t talking about the weather. She clears her throat when I approach, stepping away from Garrett.

“Hi Liv. How are you?” she asks.

“I’m great, thanks.”It’s not that I don’t like her. She’s sweet and makes the best apple crumb pie on the planet, but Garrett is still heartbroken over Vera. He and I aren’t so different.

She smiles and turns when someone calls her name. “I’ll catch you guys later.”

“Think about what I said,” Garrett calls to her. She blushes and clears her throat again before moving on. He grins and I shove him towards the next tent.

“So, Tina, huh?” I ask.

He rolls his eyes. “What?”

I shrug. “I didn’t think you were ready to settle down.”

“Who said anything about settling down?”

I frown at him. He wanted that with Vera. He doesn’t talk much about her. I’ve seen him reject her phone calls, but I know he misses her. And they say I’m stubborn.

“That’s all I’ve ever witnessed, so I just assumed.”

“Vera always said you were a prude.”

“Wanting a genuine connection doesn’t make me a prude.”

“Why can’t I genuinely connect with Tina for a night?”

I shrug. “If that’s what you want, then I support you.”

He nudges my shoulder with his. “Maybe you should find someone to connect with for a night. Rebound flings are fun.”

“Not my thing.”

“I see the way you drool over Charlie,” he taunts.

I glare at him. “You don’t have to notice everything. And he’s not interested, so I don’t know why we’re talking about this.”

“It’s my job to notice everything, Sparrow. And he’s very interested.”


“He’s just keeping his distance because he knows you’re still hung up on Luke.”

“I’m not hung up on Luke.”

“Great, then I’ll tell him to make his move.”

“No! I mean… no. I’m not ready for that.”

“If you only wanted one night, I’m sure Charlie would be happy to accommodate.”

I roll my eyes. “How generous of him.”

He chuckles and wraps his arm around my shoulders as we move to the next row. “You need to lighten up. Have a little fun. You’re single. Enjoy it.”

“No thanks.”
